日期:2020-12-06 10:45



Charitable Work and Political Involvement
King is incredibly wealthy - he writes and sells books at a breathtaking pace. But he doesn't use his wealth to amass 'stuff.' He and Tabitha own three houses - two in Maine and one in Florida. It's the house in Maine that is most iconic ... located in Bangor, it's a huge old Victorian surrounded by a wrought iron fence decorated with bats. From the outside, the house is exactly where one would expect Stephen King to live. On the inside, it has an indoor swimming pool and a huge underground library. The houses are extravagant by everyday standards, but they are really the primary way King prefers to spend money on himself and Tabitha. "I'm not a clothes person. I'm not a boat person. We do have a house in Florida. But we live in Maine, for Christ's sake. It's not like a trendy community or anything."
His houses are beautiful, but they don't use all of his money ... so what does he do with it all? Well, he gives it away, mostly. Or, he invests in projects that support his interests and his community. A music fan, King has purchased radio stations in Maine. A huge baseball fan, he funded the construction of a Little League Field in Bangor. The field is now known as "Field of Screams," a tip of the hat to the field's funder.
Together, he and Tabitha run the Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation. Libraries and colleges, especially the University of Maine and the Bangor Public Library have benefitted from the Kings' philanthropy. Maine's historical societies, fire departments, arts organizations, and hospitals have also been beneficiaries of the Kings.




In a 2001 speech at Vassar College, King made his view on generosity and charity clear to his audience. "Should you give away what you have? Of course you should. I want you to consider making your lives one long gift to others, and why not? All you have is on loan, anyway. All you want to get at the getting place, from the Maserati you may dream about to the retirement fund some broker will try to sell you on, none of that is real. All that lasts is what you pass on. The rest is smoke and mirrors."
In that same speech, he discussed natural resources and his dislike of the George W. Bush administration. With the advent of Twitter in the years to follow, King had an even wider audience to share his political views with. He's take on President Trump via Twitter, announcing that the President wasn't allowed to see the new version of "It" when it hit theaters in 2017. He's also made clear in very profane language ... we won't repeat it here ... what he thinks of the President and his administration.
Stephen King is a national figure in his own right. For thirty years he has been affecting the conversation around pop culture. His books sell by the millions, and his movies rake in millions of dollars and win Academy Awards. Growing up, he knew he wanted to write, but he never wanted to do it to achieve the wealth and fame he's now amassed. His reasoning was much simpler, and it remains his mantra to this day. "Writing isn't about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end, it's about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life, as well."
For over three decades, from his home tucked away in the northeast corner of the United States, Stephen King has been able to live out his childhood dream to write for a living. In doing so, he's brought many of us nightmares - but they're nightmares the world gladly welcome as we continue to delve into his stories.
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