日期:2020-01-21 19:48



He has come down through history as America's first serial killer, the incarnation of pure evil. He was the first of a new breed of American celebrity – the handsome, debonair and super intelligent mass murderer. His legend, fueled by his own insatiable appetite for exaggeration, would turn him into a monster, 'the arch-fiend of the age' and the 'greatest criminal of this expiring century'. His "Murder Castle", situated at the heart of the world's greatest exhibition, was reputedly the scene of unspeakable horrors. Yet, the truth about Dr. H. H Holmes is far removed from the sensationalism that surrounds his name. No one did more to turn the gossip into legend than Holmes himself, which makes it all the more difficult to get to the truth about the Devil in the White City. "I was born with the Devil in me. I could not help the fact that I was a murderer, more than a poet can help the inspiration to sing."
Early Life
The man who would come to call himself Henry Howard Holmes was born with the far less impressive name of Herman Webster Mudget on May 16, 1861 in Gilmanton, New Hampshire. By all accounts his parents were upright and respectable people, with the child's upbringing being quite unremarkable. Later stories that his father was a violent alcoholic who would smother his children with chloroform soaked handkerchiefs to 'teach them a lesson' are the result of a newspaper writer's overactive imagination. Yet, there is one incident in Herman's youth which clearly did have a profound impact on his later life... When he was about 13, two older boys dragged him into the local doctor's office – a place that Herman was terrified of due to the lurid tales he'd been told of the body parts that were left lying around. The bullies brought the terrified boy face to face with a human skeleton. But rather than frightening him, the human bones fascinated the child. This fascination grew into an adult desire to study medicine.
Holmes had another early fascination – women. By the age of sixteen he was working odd jobs when he fell head over heels in love with a beautiful young woman by the name of Clara Lovering. Herman met Clara while working on her father's farm. Soon after, they were both at a church social. Clara, though, was flirting with another boy which made young Herman see red. He promptly marched over to the other boy and threatened to punch his lights out if he didn't get lost. This seemed to impress Clara, with Herman escorting her home, arm in arm. The next day he was telling everyone that they were engaged. The two – both seventeen years of age – were married by a Justice of the Peace on July 4th, 1878. For the first six months the marriage was kept a secret, with the couple living apart with their parents. When it was finally revealed, Herman's mother wryly commented... "She couldn't have done much worse and will probably have to support you." Clara's father arranged for Herman to work in his brother's grocery store in East Concord. Nine months later, Clara gave birth to a son, who they named Robert. Becoming a father seems to have inspired Herman to pursue his interest in medicine. He quit the store and went home to Gilmanton to take up an apprenticeship under Dr. Wight, the owner of the office in which he'd been introduced to the skeleton 6 years earlier. Clara and the baby went to live with her parents...
Medical School
After a year, the budding medic took up more formal studies at the medical school in Burlington, Vermont. During this time, he conducted himself as a single man. In fact, he carried on a relationship with the daughter of his landlord that became so passionate that people thought they were engaged. When Herman's room-mate, Fred Ingalls, revealed to the girl's father that he was already married, the two-timer laid a thrashing on Ingalls that left him with a black eye and a scratched face. The wife of the owner of the boarding house once noticed a foul stench emanating from Herman's room. On investigating, she was horrified to find a dead baby under his bed. Upon explaining that he was experimenting with dissections as part of his 'homework', Herman was warned to never bring dead bodies into the house again.




In 1882, Herman went to Ann Arbor to study at the University of Michigan. This time he took his wife and son with him. But the marriage was already on shaky ground. Other residents of the boarding house where they lived later recalled that the couple often quarreled, with Clara frequently sporting black eyes. At some point she decided that she'd had enough, returning home to her parents with baby Robert. The marriage was now effectively over though this would never be formalized... Now unfettered by a family, Herman threw himself into his studies. He was particularly fascinated with the dissection of human bodies, loving nothing more than to cut his way into flesh and pull out body organs. Once more he took to taking home infant corpses to work on during the Spring break. His fellow students remembered that Herman's fascination with dissection was unnatural and unnerving. Whether or not Herman participated in the ruse of faking someone's death and using a substitute body to defraud an insurance company during this time is uncertain. In his very dubious autobiography, he claims that he and his medical student pals spoke of the idea, but never actually did it. And, given his penchant for self exaggeration, it is unlikely he would have been shy about revealing the fact.
The one scandal from his college days which can be substantiated involved, unsurprisingly, a woman. Though still married to Clara, he began courting the woman in whose boarding house he resided. He had promised to marry her, but then the woman found a letter in his room that was signed by his wife... This certainly shocked the woman – but she should have counted herself lucky... At least it wasn't a dead baby. Nevertheless, the woman complained to the Medical School faculty, citing breach of promise. Herman appeared at a hearing and claimed the woman was lying and that he never promised to marry her. The faculty believed him, and he was acquitted. A few months later, on being handed his graduation diploma, Herman approached his professor and said: "Doctor, those things that woman said about me are true."
After graduating, Herman lived with the family back in New Hampshire during the Summer of 1884. That autumn he began working as both a physician and a schoolteacher in Mooers Forks, New York. During this time, he gained a reputation as a debt defaulter and a womanizer. He proposed marriage to two more women there, with the latter, Minnie Everett, backing out with the prophetic reflection ... "There is something lurking in that man's character that time will reveal. I do not like him. I firmly believe that he would commit murder." Herman also acquired a reputation as a swindler. He would use any number of excuses to get out of paying his rent. In the end he left Mooers Fork suddenly in the middle of the night to escape a mountain of debt. He even swindled the price of his train ticket out of town... It was May of 1886, and that swindled train ticket has taken him to Chicago.
It was his intention to find work in a drug store, but he needed a pharmacy license to do so. He went to Springfield and sat a 3-day examination. It was subsequently announced in the press that "Harry H. Holmes" had passed the bar. This announcement marked the first time that the Holmes alias was used. Why he chose to call himself Harry Howard Holmes is unknown – contrary to what many think it was not a nod to Sherlock Holmes; Conan Doyle's most famous creation would not appear for another year. Holmes christened his new name by becoming a bigamist. On the way to Chicago he had spent time in Minneapolis, where he took up with, and then married, a young woman named Myrta Belknap. Myrta was rather plain looking, but her parents had money and that was enough for Holmes. Shortly after moving to Chicago, he used this wealth to purchase a parcel of land on what was then 701-703 Sixty-Third Street in Englewood. He had ownership put in his wife's name, and then into that of her mother, in order to keep the creditors at bay.
Holmes mythology tells us that the bad doctor needled his way into the employ of a bedridden pharmacist named E.S. Holton, whose young wife was run off her feet operating the business by herself. Holmes was hired to take over the operation and shortly thereafter the couple disappeared, with the implication here being that Holmes murdered them... But this is not the reality of the situation. Instead, Dr. E. S. Holton was actually the wife. Her husband, rather than being on his deathbed, was a robust longshoreman. Dr. Holton took on Holmes and found him to be an ideal asset for the business. When she became pregnant with her second child in 1887, she decided to sell the pharmacy to Holmes. Rather than disappearing, the Holtons both lived well into the 20th Century, remaining in the same neighborhood that whole time. The pharmacy business became a great success, becoming especially popular with young women who came from afar to be served by the charming, handsome new doctor. Holmes began taking on assistants, invariably choosing nubile young beauties who were flocking to Chicago by the trainful.
At the same time, Holmes turned his attention to the vacant lot he owned on the same street as the pharmacy. He planned to construct a two story building, with retail space on the first floor and residential apartments on the second. The building had some unusual features – there was a hidden compartment between the first and second floors, along with a staircase between floors that could only be reached from a trapdoor in the second-story bathroom. Far more troubling than these design quirks, however, was the fact Holmes refused to pay his bills. When the builders, Aetna Iron and Steel sued in 1888, Holmes claimed that he wasn't liable because the building was actually owned by his mother-in-law. When the building company lawyers began to chronicle his involvement in the project, Holmes alleged that one of the steel beams provided was too short, which negated the entire contract...
Defending himself in court did nothing to dampen Holmes' passion for swindling. His favorite trick was buying goods on credit then selling them for cash and not paying the original bill. In one case he purchased an especially heavy safe on credit and had it installed on the first floor of his new building, having walls built around it. When the repossession agents came knocking, Holmes replied... Go ahead and take the safe, but I warn you not to damage the building. The repossessors struggled for hours, finally realizing that they couldn't get it out without tearing down a wall. They had to leave it where it was...
