日期:2020-11-29 19:52







Even as his success grew, King remained living in Maine. The family owns a home in Bangor, and a home in Lovell near the lakes for the summer. It was near the home in Lovell that King's life almost ended in 1999. King was taking a walk along one of the winding, wooded roads that are so familiar a part of Maine's landscape. Then, a van smashed into him from behind. King was knocked off the road, into a ditch. Witnesses said he was in a heap and it was clear his leg was broken. His glasses flew off, and landed in the van that hit him. At the hospital, he underwent multiple surgeries and had to do physical therapy as part of his recovery.




Bryan Smith, the driver who hit King, had a track record of driving infractions, including an DUI. The King accident was blamed on the Smith's dog distracting him, causing him to swerve into the author. Smith received a six month jail sentence that was later suspended, and has his license revoked for a year. King was upset ... he wanted Smith's license revoked for life given his history of bad driving. Only a year after the accident, Smith was found dead in his trailer at the age of 43. He died of a painkiller overdose, and, in a twist of fate that seemed straight out of a King novel - he died on King's birthday, September 21st.






King sustained horrific injuries in the accident, but he resumed writing only a month after being released from the hospital. He finished the highly regarded "On Writing," and in 2000 the book was published, but by 2002 King decided that he simply didn't have the strength to keep writing as he had in the past. Where he had previously sat and typed for hours at a time, it now hurt him to sit for long periods. Addiction had also become part of his life again. After the accident, he took OxyContin to deal with the pain from his injuries and became addicted. As he had a decade earlier, he was able to overcome the addiction and live soberly.




The lure of the written word ultimately proved too strong for his post-accident injuries and struggles, and so King returned to his craft. He has said that he literally needs to write to live. What would happen if he didn't write? "'Oh, I'd be dead. I would have drunk myself to death or drugged myself to death or committed suicide or some goddamn thing." Since his accident, he's published dozens of stories and books, including Mr.Mercedes, Duma Key, 11/22/63, and Under The Dome.




A diehard Red Sox fan, like so many of his New England neighbors, Stephen King also co-wrote a book after the Red Sox 2004 World Series win. Faithful: Two Diehard Boston Red Sox Fans Chronicle the Historic 2004 Season, shared the story of the emotional roller coaster King and so many other Red Sox fans rode throughout the summer and fall of 2004.




In a further display of his eclectic interests and abillities, King dabbles in music. He played guitar for "The Rock Bottom Remainders," a band whose other members you might recognize too: Amy Tan, Dave Barry, and Matt Groening are only a few of the other celebrities who joined King on stage. And, he even co-wrote a musical with John Mellencamp. Billed as a "southern gothic supernatural musical," Ghost Brothers of Darkland County opened ran for a month at the Alliance Theater in Atlanta.




King is 70 now, but hasn't run out of ideas ... in fact, he and his son Owen just released a co-written book in 2017.


