日期:2020-11-27 10:15


Finally Joss reaches up under her skirt, and she shrieks and drops her flagon and goes running off to the kitchen.


Well, it would have ended right there, only what does the old fool do but he goes to Ser and asks him to make us leave the girl alone,


him being an anointed knight and all such.



"Ser Gregor, he wasn't paying no mind to none of our fun, but now he looks, you know how he does, and he commands that the girl be brought before him.


Now the old man has to drag her out of the kitchen, and no one to blame but himself.


Ser looks her over and says, 'So this is the whore you're so concerned for' and this besotted old fool says,


'My Layna's no whore, ser' right to Gregor's face.


Ser, he never blinks, just says, 'She is now' tosses the old man another silver, rips the dress off the wench,


and takes her right there on the table in front of her da, her flopping and wiggling like a rabbit and making these noises.


The look on the old man's face, I laughed so hard ale was coming out me nose.


Then this boy hears the noise, the son I figure, and comes rushing up from the cellar, so Raff has to stick a dirk in his belly.


By then Ser's done, so he goes back to his drinking and we all have a turn.


Tobbot, you know how he is, he flops her over and goes in the back way.


The girl was done fighting by the time I had her, maybe she'd decided she liked it after all, though to tell the truth I wouldn't have minded a little wiggling.


And now here's the best bit... when it's all done, Ser tells the old man that he wants his change.


The girl wasn't worth a silver, he says... and damned if that old man didn't fetch a fistful of coppers, beg mlord's pardon, and thank him for the custom!"


The men all roared, none louder than Chiswyck himself, who laughed so hard at his own story that snot dribbled from his nose down into his scraggy grey beard.

