They say that a good man needs a good woman behind him, but I'm not sure I want my wife Nada behind me.
人们常说,每一个好男人的背后都有一个好女人,但我不确定我是否希望我的妻子娜达在我的身后 。
My peripheral vision isn't that good and she has great aim.
我的周边视觉并不是很好,她的目标又很明确 。
She stood beside me for 23 years
and her dad Mike Stepovich and a large part of her 15 person family is out there as well to support me tonight, but she was my best decision.
她的父亲迈克·斯特波维奇还有她15口大家庭中的大部分人,今晚也都来支持我了,她是我最好的决定 。
I always knew that when I left for a road trip I could shut the door behind me and go to work because I knew everything at home would be taken care of.
我一直都清楚,当我开启客场之旅时,我可以放心地关上身后的门上路,因为我知道家里的一切都会安排妥当 。
And thank you Nada for being there.
感谢你,娜达 。
Together we've been blessed with six remarkable children.
我们有幸拥有六个出色的孩子 。
Houston, Michael, David, Lindsay, Laura, and Samuel.
休斯顿、迈克尔、大卫、琳赛、劳拉和塞缪尔 。
I'm very proud of all of you and love what you bring to the dinner table each night and it isn't the food.
我为你们所有人感到骄傲,我爱你们每晚带到餐桌上的东西,但不是食物 。
Houston, your work ethic and determination are a going example to your younger brothers and sisters.
休斯顿,你的职业道德和决心是你弟弟妹妹们的榜样 。
Michael, your gift of communication lights up a room.
迈克尔,你的沟通天赋照亮了整个房间 。
With your outgoing personality there's just nothing like it.
你外向的性格是无与伦比的 。
David, with your contagious sense of humor and an appreciation for everything in life.
大卫,你的幽默感真的很富有感染力,你对生活中一切事物也都很欣赏 。
Lindsay, you mix an amazing array of talents with the grace of your grandma Cleme.
琳赛,你的才华和你奶奶克拉姆的优雅很好的结合在了一起 。
And Laura, you're the kindest, sweetest warrior you could meet at any venue.
劳拉,你是在任何场合中都能遇到的最善良、最可爱的战士 。
And Samuel, last but not least, your spirit and enthusiasm rounds out our team and you keep our house hopping.
还有塞缪尔,你最小但你也同样重要,你的精神和热情让我们这个家庭团队更加完美,让我们的家充满活力 。
Well, I think about all the people who have touched my life, helped me along, or brought out the best in me by whatever means, I'm overwhelmed and yes humbled.
我想到了所有那些触动过我的人、帮助过我的人,或者用任何方式让我变得更好的人,我真的感到受宠若惊 。
I can't begin to adequately thank even a few of you; the crowd over there is amazing.
我甚至无法表达对你们中的一些人的感谢,你们真是很好很好的人 。
I want you all to know I feel honore to be on the stand up here in front of you and represent you on the stage tonight.
我想告知你们大家,今晚能站在这里,站在你们面前,代表你们站在台上,我感到非常的荣幸 。
To everyone back home in Spokane, back home in Salt Lake City,
or maybe wandering around in Springfield looking for a ticket, or anywhere else you might be,
thank you for sharing this honor with me tonight. Good night.
感谢你们今晚与我分享这一荣誉 。祝大家晚安 。