BBC纪录片《文明》第8集 第24期:十九世纪的信仰
日期:2020-10-26 09:42


This is the work of a man who was trapped inside his own recurring nightmare.

这幅作品的作者 是一位被自己萦绕的噩梦所困住的男人

Otto Dix and his generation had borne witness to these horrors,but they'd also been witness to the death of the 19th century faith in inevitable, unstoppable progress.

奥托·迪克斯和他那一代人见证了这些恐怖 但他们同样也见证了 十九世纪的信仰那不可避免的无法阻止的消亡

What they'd learned in the trenches was that savagery and barbarism weren't external,to be found only in the colonies,but inside all of us.

他们在战壕里所学到的就是 野蛮与暴虐并非外在的东西 只有在殖民地里才能找到 而是存在于我们每个人的内心

They had seen that industry and progress and the supposed triumph of Enlightenment rationalism did not guarantee the survival of civilisation.

他们发现工业和进步 以及所谓的启蒙运动理性主义的胜利 并不能保证文明的持续

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And it was them,the poets and the artists and the painters of the trenches,who best understood what Europe had been through and who best foresaw the horrors that lay ahead.

而正是这些人 战壕诗人 战壕艺术家和战壕画家 才能最深刻地理解欧洲经受了什么 才能最好地预见到未来可能会发生的恐怖

The Open University has produced a free poster that explores the history of different civilisations through artefacts.

开放大学已经制作出了通过手工艺品 来探索不同文明历史的免费海报

To order your free copy,please call 0300 303 3553,or go to the address on screen and follow the links for the Open University.

订购免费海报 打电话0300 303 3553 也可以访问屏幕上的网址 并点击开放大学的链接
