Welcome back, Psych2goers. Before we begin, we would like to thank all of you for your ongoing love and support.
各位观众,欢迎回来 。视频开始前,我们想先感谢大家一直以来的爱和支持 。
Psych2go's mission is to make psychology and mental health more accessible to everyone and you help us do that. Now let's begin.
我们的目标是让大家能够更多地了解心理学和精神健康的知识,大家帮我们做到了 。现在开始 。
Being an independent person or putting forth the effort to become one proves that you have grown and developed as a human being.
做一个或努力成为一个独立的人,这证明你已经是一个成熟的人了 。
Although it's not always easy to be independent, the effort and hard work is well worth it
as you develop the ability to become self-sufficient and break out of your comfort zone.
因为你发展出了自给自足的能力,并突破了自己的舒适区 。
Are you someone who's become an independent individual? Let's find out now.
你已经是一个独立的人了吗?我们来看看吧 。
Here are five things that prove you are an independent person.
以下五件事情证明你是一个独立的人 。
1. You try to solve your problems for yourself but you don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it.
1. 你尝试自己解决问题,但需要时,也会毫不犹豫地寻求别人的帮忙 。
A substantial part of growing up is learning to find solutions for your problems by yourself.
成长的一个重要部分就是学会自己寻找解决问题的方法 。
Some people don't receive much assistance from their parents as they grow, so fending for themselves becomes natural;
others, however, grow up receiving ample attention and care from their caregivers,
which may encourage them to rely on other people that make them feel safe and grounded for guidance.
这可能会鼓励他们依赖那些让他们感到安全的人 。
You ultimately must learn to take care of yourself and efficiently solve your own problems.
最终你都必须学会照顾自己,并有效地解决自己的问题 。
An independent person will do what they can to resolve their issues alone
but is not afraid to ask a trusted source for help if they really need it.
但如果有需要,他们也不害怕向可靠的来源寻求帮助 。
2. You know that people do not owe you assistance.
2. 你知道别人没义务帮助你 。
You accept the fact that you will not always get what you want in life.
你接受这样一个事实:你不可能想要什么就能得到什么 。
Growing and maturing means that you'll experience failure but you know you must stand back up, dust yourself off and move forward.
成长和成熟意味着你会经历失败,但你知道你必须站起来,拍拍尘土,继续前进 。
Perhaps sometimes, you'll receive the support that you want or need to get through the situation more easily,
but in some cases, there may not be anyone able or willing to lend a helping hand.
但有时,可能没有能够或愿意伸出援手 。
This may be disheartening but it's okay, you know that there will not always be someone available to help
and that everyone has their own hardships that they must tend to.
而且每个人都有自己必须面对的困难 。
3. You're attentive to your finances.
3. 你很关注自己的财务状况 。
Wisely utilizing and saving money is a very important part of being a self-sufficient individual.
明智地使用和节省金钱是成为一个自给自足的人的一个非常重要的部分 。
Making a living and supporting yourself is a telltale sign of being independent.
谋生和养活自己是独立的标志 。
Once you leave the nest that is your guardian's home, you become responsible for your own well-being and financial stability.
一旦你离开家,你就要为自己的生活和财务稳定负责 。
4. You don't rely on the opinions of others, regarding yourself and your livelihood.
4. 关于自己和生活,你不以来其他人你的意见 。
Everyone will always have their opinions based primarily off their own experiences and ways of seeing life.
每个人总会基于自己的经历和看到生活的方式给出他们的意见 。
Others' opinions may or may not resonate with your own in regards to the way you see the world and live your own life.
就你看世界、过自己的生活的方式而言,别人的观点可能与你的有共鸣,也可能与你的没有共鸣 。
It's important to ensure that your necessities are met and that you stick to your plans and goals
重要的是确保满足自己的需求,并坚持自己的计划和目标 。
So long as you're making safe and healthy choices, you should not feel the need to change or quit on things because of people's criticisms.
只要你做出了安全和健康的选择,你就不应该因为人们的批评而感到需要改变或放弃 。
Being headstrong and responsible enough to maintain yourself, while pursuing your dreams is a display of being a responsible individual.
在追求梦想的同时,要有足够的毅力和责任感,不忘初心,这是一个负责任的人的表现 。
And 5. You accept and are receptive to constructive criticism.
5. 你接受并乐于接受建设性的批评 。
Not relying on outside opinions regarding what you should or shouldn't do with your life
is just as crucial as being able to listen to kind, constructive criticism.
与能够倾听善意的、建设性的批评同样重要 。
Listening to and respecting comments that are not necessarily what you want to hear requires a great level of maturity.
倾听和尊重那些你不一定想听的议论需要你很成熟才行 。
If you're open to consider the critiques of those who want to help you, you're someone that is confident in their independence.
如果你能开放地考虑那些想要帮助你的人的批评,你就是对他们的独立有信心的人 。
How many of these points do you relate to? Are you an independent person or someone who still has some work to do?
Let us know in the comments below. If you found this video insightful,
请在下方评论告知 。如果你觉得本期视频有用,
be sure to like it and share this video and subscribe to like to go for more content.
一定要点赞并分享,还要订阅我们频道以获取更多内容 。
Thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video. Take care.
感谢收看,我们下期见 。