10 unexpected signs a relationship is becoming serious.
认真对待这段恋情的10个意想不到的迹象 。
The first stage of love is always exciting, with your heart racing and butterflies ticking your stomach,
but there's nothing like establishing a real bond with someone.
但都比不上和某个人建立一种真正的联系 。
You learn to stop trying so hard and begin to see the other person for who they really are, it becomes life changing.
你试着停止用劲,并开始看清对方真实的样子,你的生活将会改变 。
Wondering if you and your boo are getting real?
Here are 10 unexpected signs a relationship is becoming serious.
以下是认真对待这段恋情的10个意想不到的迹象 。
1. You leave your belongings at each other's places and when you forget things,
1. 你把自己的东西放在对方的家中,当你忘记某些东西的时候,
you don't mind sharing each other's deodorant and PJs.
你们不介意分享彼此的体香剂和睡衣 。
2. You can share silence in comfort.
2. 你们可以安心地分享沉默 。
The right words can go a long way, but when silence feels right with them, those moments can't be replaced.
正确的话语可以大有帮助,但当沉默让你们感觉良好时,这些时刻是无可替代的 。
3. You go on trips together.
3. 一起旅行 。
Whether it means driving across the country or booking a flight to Tokyo, adventures just wouldn't be the same without them.
不管是驾车国内游还是订一张去东京的机票,没有他们,冒险就不一样了 。
4. You can talk about anything.
4. 你们可以谈论任何事情 。
This doesn't always mean romantic conversations under the stars,
it's not true love unless you can talk about poop with your partner. 10 bonus points if you can also pee with the door open.
不能谈论屎尿就不是真爱 。如果你还能门开小便,得10分 。
5. Arguments have only strengthened your relationship.
5. 吵架只会增进你们的关系 。
Relationships are only as strong as the communication.
你们的关系取决于沟通程度 。
When you can work things out with your partner, not only is it a sign of maturity, but it helps the relationship grow.
当你能和另一半共同解决问题时,这部仅仅是成熟的迹象,也能帮助关系成长 。
6. Your families and friends have met.
6. 你们的家人和朋友已经见过面 。
Do you guys get together during the holidays? It's one thing to meet your lovers family and friends,
but it's another thing entirely when all of you begin to learn each other's names.
但当你们开始互相学习对方亲朋友好的名字时,那就完全是另一回事了 。
7. You adopt a pet together.
7. 一起养宠物 。
Congratulations, you're basically parents! Pets are a huge responsibility, just like kids.
恭喜,你们基本算上父母了!养宠物是一个巨大的责任,就像养孩子一样 。
8. You never get bored of your partner.
8. 你永远不会厌倦你的伴侣 。
Wondering eyes and emotional cheating happen when people are thinking about giving up on their relationship.
人们想要放弃他们的关系时,奇怪的眼神和情感欺骗就会发生 。
But when you appreciate your partner even on the bad days, then you my friend have found yourself a winner.
但即便是在很糟糕的时候,你仍然喜欢你的伴侣,那么你会发现自己是赢家 。
9. You challenge each other.
9. 你们互相挑战 。
Relationships are fulfilling when you and your partner can learn from one another.
当你和你的伴侣可以互相学习时,你们之间的关系就会变得充实 。
Whether it's sharing hobbies, trying new foods or helping each other reach your goals,
the two of you are self-actualizing together.
你们两个在一起实现自我 。
10. The future seems certain.
10. 未来似乎是确定的 。
You can always count on your partner to be there for you through thick and thin.
无论遇到什么困难,你都可以依靠你的伴侣 。
With every step you take, you know they'll be there right next to you,
they're not just your lover, they're your best friend for life.
他们不仅仅是你的爱人,也是你一生最好的朋友 。
Do you and your partner resonate with these signs? What are some other dead giveaways you know of?
Please share your thoughts with us below,
also be sure to subscribe to our channel for more helpful tips and share this video with others.
一定要订阅我们的频道获取更多内容并和他人分享本期视频 。
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