BBC环球慢速英语 第672期:粮食换和平(6)
日期:2020-10-05 13:40
Voice 2: Second, Slow Food taught people about traditional farming. Traditional farming does not use chemicals to grow food. And traditional farmers treat their animals with care.
声音2:第二,慢食运动让人们了解传统农业 。传统农业不使用化学物质种植粮食 。传统农民对待动物很小心 。
Voice 1: Finally, Slow Food discussed the link between war and food. Existing wars destroy needed food crops. So, war can cause people to go hungry. And, many people may not understand that food can cause war. Slow Food reminds people that wars have started over lack of food. And if people do not buy responsibly more wars may start in the future!
声音1:最后,慢食运动讨论了战争和食物之间的联系 。正在进行的战争摧毁了人们所需的粮食作物 。所以,战争会导致人们挨饿 。许多人可能不明白食物会引发战争 。慢食运动提醒人们,战争是因为缺乏食物而开始的 。如果人们不负责任地购买,未来可能会爆发更多的战争!