Hey Psych2goers, welcome back to another video. Before we start, we would like to thank you all for the support you've given us.
大家好,欢迎回来 。在节目开始前,我们想感谢大家给予的支持 。
Psych2go's mission is to make psychology and mental health more accessible to everyone.
我们的目标是让人人都能更多地接触心理学和精神健康知识 。
Now let's begin. Do you often worry that the one bad mark you got on a test means you'll fail the year?
现在开始吧 。你经常担心一次考试失利会意味着你今年都会不及格?
Or a missed phone call with your boss means you'll be fired?
Sometimes you may get caught up in negative thinking cycles or cognitive distortions which can affect everything
from how you view yourself to how you feel others view you. It's important to acknowledge this negative thinking
比如你怎么看待自己,以及你觉得别人会怎么看待你 。重要的是承认这种消极思维
because it can be damaging in the long term and lead to depression and anxiety. So here are 10 perceptions that cause depression and anxiety.
因为从长远来看,它是有害的,会导致抑郁和焦虑 。以下是会导致抑郁症和焦虑症的10种认知观念 。
Before we begin, we would like to mention that this video is created for educational purposes only
and is not intended to substitute a professional diagnosis.
不能替代专业诊断 。
If you suspect you may have anxiety or depression, we highly advise you seek help from a qualified mental health professional
如果你怀疑自己可能患有焦虑或抑郁症,我们强烈建议你寻求专业精神健康专家的帮助 。
1. Catastrophizing.
1. 小题大做 。
Have you done poorly on a test and feel like it'll wreck your grade or even worse ruin your future?
Maybe you didn't get into your dream college and think it means you won't be successful in the future?
You may perceive the results or consequence of your action to be much worse than what is realistic.
你可能认为自己行为的结果或后果比实际情况更糟 。
This habit of focusing on worst-case scenarios, if not addressed, may lead to worsening feelings of anxiety and depression.
这种专注最坏情况的习惯,如果不解决,可能会导致焦虑和抑郁感觉的恶化 。
2. Over-generalization.
2. 过度泛化 。
You always assume that you're not good enough and your work will get rejected.
你总认为自己还不够好,你的工作会被拒绝 。
Maybe you didn't get the parts you wanted in the school play or you received a poor grade for a project,
whatever it is, you assume it's because you lack the talent or the ability.
不管是什么,你会认为这是因为你缺乏才能或能力 。
Over-generalizing is taking an isolated instance and using it to summarize yourself.
过度泛化是用一个孤立的实例来总结自己 。
This tendency to see failure in your work as a failure of your ability can be damaging to your self-esteem, which may lead to anxiety and depression
将自己的失败归咎为自己缺乏能力,这会损害自己的自尊,可能会导致焦虑和抑郁症 。
3. Mind reading.
3. 读心症 。
You always assume that you know what others are thinking about you.
你总认为你知道别人是怎么看待你的 。
You might notice someone acting differently and think they're judging you.
你可能注意到某人表现很奇怪,并认为他们是在评判你 。
This feeling that other people are constantly judging you may make you become self-conscious and anxious.
总觉得别人在评判你可能会让你不自在且焦虑 。
As a result, this anxiety may prevent you from doing what you really want to do, like taking risks or trying new things.
因此,这种焦虑可能会阻止你做你真正想做的事情,比如冒险或尝试新事物 。
4. Minimizing.
4. 最小化 。
Do you downplay all of your accomplishments? You may think that your achievements aren't that big of a deal
or think that many others have achieved it too, so it's not worthy of celebration. The habit of minimizing your success
或者认为很多其他人也能取得这些成就,所以你的成就不值得庆祝 。这种将自己的成功最小化
or even ignoring the work you've done may ultimately affect your self-esteem and cause feelings of depression.
甚至是忽视已完成工作的习惯可能最终会影响你的自尊,并导致抑郁感 。
5. Black and white thinking.
5. 非黑即白的思维 。
Are you the kind of person who thinks that if something isn't perfect, it's not good enough.
Thinking in black and white terms may make you feel like there are only two sides to a situation.
非黑即白的思维模式可能会让你觉得事情只有两面 。
You may think that if you don't reach a certain goal, then you never will, or that a failed test means you'll never get it right.
你可能会觉得,如果你没有达到某个目标,你就永远达不到,或者一次失败的考试意味着你永远都不会及格 。
This mindset can contribute to a defeatist attitude and keep you from reaching your goals and pursuing your interests.
这种思维模式会助长失败主义,并阻止你达到你的目标和追求你的兴趣 。
6. Maximizing.
6. 最大化 。
Do you look at a missed job opportunity to mean that you'll be unemployed forever?
Just like how a missed note in an audition doesn't mean the entire performance is ruined.
就像在试镜中漏掉一个音符并不意味着整个表演就毁了 。
One mistake doesn't mean you failed, there are other opportunities you've yet to explore.
一次错误并不意味着你的失败,还有很多待探索的机会 。
The tendency to focus and magnify once mistakes to mean more than it actually is may heighten your feelings of anxiety and depression
倾向于关注和放大曾经的错误,可能会加剧你的焦虑和抑郁情绪 。
7. Predicting.
7. 预测 。
Have you avoided joining a club or competition thinking that you won't get in anyways?
You might justify quitting or not even starting based on fears of getting rejected.
你可能会因为害怕被拒绝而为辞职找借口 。
Constantly predicting or expecting the worst can contribute to a lack of motivation or inspiration to do the things that you want to do,
you may end up feeling more anxious or depressed because you keep expecting failure or defeat.
因为你一直期待失败,最终你可能会感到更焦虑或沮丧 。
8. Self-blame.
8.自责 。
Do you often blame yourself for a failed group project or a failed relationship?
By inserting yourself into a situation that you may not have had control over in the first place
may lead you to internalizing the problem and blaming yourself for it.
可能会让你将问题内在化,并因此而自责 。
Self-blame can be especially harmful to your self-esteem, which can lead to a negative cycle of thinking that ultimately leads to depression.
自责对自尊的伤害尤其大,它会导致思维的恶性循环,最终导致抑郁 。
9. Filtering.
9. 过滤 。
Have you ever gotten a job but say it's not a big deal since you've also been rejected by 10 other places.
你是否曾经得到过一份工作,但却认为这没什么大不了的,因为你还被其他10家公司拒绝过 。
You might think about all of your failures without considering the success as you see your failures to outweigh everything else.
你可能只考虑你所有的失败,而不考虑成功,因为你认为你的失败超过了其他一切 。
If you focus on only the rejection that you faced without acknowledging some of the good things that have come out of it
you may end up falling into a depressive cycle of constant negativity.
最终你可能会陷入一个持续消极的抑郁循环 。
10. Disregarding the positive.
10. 无视积极 。
Do you feel like you don't deserve the achievements you've received?
Maybe you've gotten a promotion over someone else and feel like it should have gone to them instead of you.
也许你获得了晋升,却觉得升职的应该是别人而不是你 。
Constantly thinking about others and how they may be more deserving or suited for something over yourself
can be harmful to your self-esteem and lead to feelings of anxiety and depression.
这可能会伤害你的自尊,并导致焦虑和抑郁情绪 。
Do you have an outlook similar to the ones we mentioned? Which thinking error did you resonate with the most?
Tell us about it in the comments below. If you enjoyed this video, please like and share it with others who may find it helpful too.
请在下方评论告知 。如果你喜欢本期视频,请点赞并和需要的人分享 。
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不要忘记订阅我们的频道以获取更多内容 。
Thanks for watching and we'll see you in our next video.
感谢收看,下期见 。