Nespresso furiously litigated against its rivals, arguing that its patent systems were being infringed.
奈斯派索对其竞争对手发起了激烈的诉讼,声称其专利系统受到了侵犯 。
Things came to a head in 2012, when a key batch of Nespresso patents from 1992 were set to expire.
事情在2012年达到了高潮,当时1992年的一批关键的奈斯派索专利即将到期 。
That year, Nespresso lost its patent battles in Germany and England, and settled other outstanding cases around Europe.
那一年,奈斯派索在德国和英国的专利战中败诉,并在欧洲各地解决了其他一些悬而未决的案件 。
Overnight, the company had to accept it could no longer stop third-party capsules being sold for its machines.
一夜之间,该公司不得不接受无法再阻止第三方销售在其机器上使用的胶囊 。
Talk to senior executives involved at the time, and it’s clear the rulings were traumatic for the company.
与当时参与的高管交谈,很明显这些裁决对公司造成了创伤 。
The court cases also made awkward PR for a company keen to promote its ethical sourcing.
对于一家热衷于推广其道德采购的公司来说,这些法庭案件还让其公关尴尬不已 。
To many, it seemed that the Nestle Goliath had gone after smaller, pluckier, seemingly more ethical Davids and been slain.
在许多人看来,雀巢的歌利亚胶囊追求的是体型更小、更有胆量、比戴维斯胶囊更符合道德,结果被淘汰了 。
It didn’t help that in many consumers’ eyes, Nestle was still tainted by the formula milk scandal of the 70s.
在许多消费者眼中,雀巢仍然受到上世纪70年代配方奶粉丑闻的影响,这对公司的发展没有任何帮助 。
A report published in 1974, titled The Baby Killer,
showed how Nestle aggressively promoted formula milk over breastfeeding in poor countries, where clean water was hard to come by.
展示了雀巢如何在贫穷国家大力推广配方奶,而不是母乳喂养,在那里,人们很难获得清洁的水 。
Some sales reps even wore nurses’ uniforms to gain an aura of credibility.
一些销售代表甚至穿上护士制服来赢得信誉 。
The report led to a worldwide boycott and reform of its sales practices.
该报告导致了全球范围内的抵制和对其销售方式的改革 。
Even today, Nespresso employees I spoke to said the memory of the scandal hampers its messaging around coffee.
甚至在今天,我采访过的奈斯派索员工都表示,对该丑闻的记忆影响了他们对咖啡的宣传 。
More recently, the company’s reputation was further damaged when the Channel 4 documentary series Dispatches found
最近,第四频道的纪录片系列报道发现,13岁以下的儿童每周工作40小时,为雀巢和星巴克供应咖啡 。
children under 13 working 40-hour weeks on farms that supplied coffee to Nespresso and Starbucks.
这让该公司的声誉进一步受损 。
(Nespresso launched an internal investigation after the programme aired.
(该节目播出后,奈斯怕所启动了一项内部调查 。
“Protecting children from exploitation and ensuring they are able to learn is of paramount importance to us,
and that is why we have zero tolerance for child labour,” a spokesman told me.)
这就是我们对雇佣童工零容忍的原因 。”)
Jean-Marc Duvoisin became CEO in 2013, and was charged with taking Nespresso to a new era, leaving the patent disputes behind.
吉恩·马克·杜瓦辛于2013年成为奈斯派索的首席执行官,他的职责是将奈斯派索带入一个新时代,将专利纠纷抛在脑后 。
From a closed, Apple-type system – Nespresso products for Nespresso machines – the company had to move to a more open, Android-type model.
从封闭的,苹果式的系统——为奈斯派索咖啡机提供的奈斯派索产品——公司不得不转向更加开放的,安卓式的模式 。
“There are going to be rival capsules,” Duvoisin told me.
杜瓦辛告诉我,“市场上将会出现与之竞争的胶囊咖啡的 。”
“We need to leverage our strengths: knowing our customers, and knowing our farmers.”
“我们需要利用我们的优势:了解我们的客户,了解我们的农民 。”
Having worked for 40 years to be the only coffee-pod system in town, the company had to pivot to arguing that its capsules – made from strong,
light aluminium, and filled with high-quality, responsibly farmed coffee – were the best on the market.
轻质铝制作而成,里面装有高品质,可靠的种植咖啡——是市场上最好的产品 。
Eight years on from Nespresso’s annus horribilis, its biggest problem is the aluminium itself.
奈斯派索的多灾之年已经过去8年了,它最大的问题是铝本身 。
1.be able to可以
She'll be able to put her languages to good use in her new job.
她在新工作中应该可以好好运用她会的各种语言 。
2.go after追击
We're not going after civilian targets.
我们不会追击平民目标 。
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