Hey Psych2Goers! Are your parents supportive of you, or do they leave you alone a lot?
Your parents and the parenting style they use can play a central role in your life.
你的父母和他们的教育方式在你的一生中扮演者中心角色 。
The way they interact and get involved in your life can have a big impact on the person you grow up to be.
他们互动和参与你生活的方式对你会成为什么样的人有着重要影响 。
So, here are seven types of parents that may influence your behaviors.
所以以下是可能影响你行为的7种父母 。
Before we begin, we would like to mention that this video is created for educational purposes only.
在开始前,我们要说的是,本期视频仅出于教育目的 。
The parenting styles we will talk about are only general types.
我们要谈到的教育方式仅仅只是一般的类型 。
There are cases where these criteria overlap and don't result in the behaviors we describe.
有些情况下,这些标准会重叠,但并不影响我们所描述的行为 。
Number one: Authoritative parents.
1. 威信型父母 。
This type of parent tends to have high levels of both demands and responsiveness for their children.
这种类型的父母对他们的孩子有很高的要求和响应能力 。
In other words, they expect you to behave well while also providing you sufficient support at the same time.
换句话说,他们希望你表现良好,同时也会为你提供充足的支持 。
You're likely to become more independent and empathetic as you grow up under this type of parenting style.
在这种教育方式下,你可能会成为更独立更有同情心的人 。
Two: Authoritarian parents.
2. 专制型父母 。
Parents of this type have high levels of demand but low levels of responsiveness.
这种类型的父母对孩子有很高的要求,且没什么响应力 。
For example, they'll expect you to do well in school or in competitions but are unlikely to provide the love and support you need.
例如,他们会希望你在学校或竞争中表现优异,但却不给你需要的爱和支持 。
Because of that you have a higher probability of becoming more scared and insecure.
因此,你更有可能变得恐惧,且没有安全感 。
Three: Permissive parents.
3. 宽容型父母 。
This type of parent is likely to have low levels of demand but high levels of responsiveness,
which is the complete opposite of the authoritarian type.
这和专制型父母完全相反 。
They tend to care a lot about you, allowing you to do whatever you like.
他们非常关心你,让你做你喜欢的事情 。
Since they don't assign any boundaries or restrictions, you'll most likely become spoiled and impulsive as you get older.
由于他们不会给你设定任何边界或限制,随着年龄的增长,你很可能会被宠坏,变得冲动 。
Four: Neglectful parents.
4. 忽视型父母 。
How would you feel if your parents ignored you all the time?
This type of parent has low response and demand rates.
这种类型的父母响应和要求都很低 。
They don't seem to acknowledge your existence as they're either really busy or extremely cold and aloof.
他们似乎不承认你的存在,因为他们要么真的很忙,要么非常冷漠 。
Due to all of the neglect that you experience, you'll likely lack confidence and self-esteem.
由于你所经历的所有忽视,你可能会缺乏自信和自尊 。
Five: Alcoholic parents.
5. 酗酒型父母 。
This type of parenting is one of the most destructive for children's development.
这种类型的教育方式对孩子的成长而言是最具毁灭性的 。
Since alcohol has a significant influence on cognition and behavior after intensive consumption,
it becomes impossible for your parents to take care of you.
你的父母不可能照顾你了 。
Even if only one of your parents drink, it still affects your later abilities in building friendships and trust with others.
即使你的父母中只有一个人喝酒,它仍然会影响你以后与他人建立友谊和信任的能力 。
Six: Joking parents.
6. 嘲笑型父母 。
Most jokes are harmless, but how can you tell when teasing crosses the line?
Have your parents ever sarcastically teased you about your appearance or character?
These jokes are usually said with anger and they carry an underlying message to humiliate you.
这些笑话通常是带着愤怒说的,它们隐含着侮辱你的信息 。
It can become problematic when these backhanded jokes are constantly repeated.
当这些间接玩笑被不断重复时,就有问题了 。
For example, if a parent says things like 'If only you had a brain' as a joke, but says 'I'm just kidding!' after that,
it can still make you lose confidence or even make you feel worthless.
这样仍会让你失去信心,甚至让你觉得自己没有价值 。
And Seven: Abusive parents.
7. 虐待型父母 。
This is a severe type of parenting that should be addressed.
这是一种应该被解决的严厉的教育方式 。
Parents who belong to this type see their children as a way for them to vent and release their anger.
这种类型的父母将他们的孩子看做是发泄自己怒气的方式 。
The types of abuse can vary from being verbal, physical, and sexual.
虐待的类型包括口头的、肢体的以及性虐待 。
Prolonged exposure to these abusive actions is associated with helplessness, despair, and a strong desire for revenge.
长期暴露于这些虐待行为会导致无助、绝望和强烈的报复欲望 。
If you relate to this, please reach out to someone,
whether you're looking for help or just a friend to talk to.
不论是求助还是找个朋友谈谈 。
Call any of the hotlines listed in the description below and no matter how stressed or alone you feel,
remember that help is just a phone call away.
请记住,你只要打个电话就能得到帮助 。
Do you relate to any of these parenting styles that we've mentioned? Let us know in the comments below.
你和上述教育方式相关吗?请在下方评论告知 。
If you found this video helpful, be sure to like and share this video with those who might benefit from it.
如果你觉得本期视频有用,一定要点赞,并和需要的人分享 。
Subscribe to Psych2Go for more videos. The references and studies used in this video are added in the description below.
订阅Psych2Go观看更多内容 。本期视频中提到的参考和研究均已列于下方 。
Thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video.
感谢收看,我们下期见 。