This is BBC world news, the headlines.
European Union leaders have reached agreement on a 750 billion euro coronavirus recovery package after four days of talks.
经过四天的会谈 欧盟领导人就7500亿欧元的冠状病毒恢复基金达成了协议
There'll be grants and loans to ease the effects of the pandemic.
A report on alleged Russian interference in British politics will be published shortly.
Britain's intelligence officials have looked at events such as the referendums on Scottish independence and Brexit.
President Trump has threatened to send federal law enforcement to more American cities to tackle anti-racism demonstrations which he claims are the work of anarchists.
特朗普总统威胁要派联邦执法机关到更多美国城市去处理反种族主义示威活动 他称这些示威活动是无政府主义者所为
Democrats and civil liberties groups have condemned him.
The U.S secretary of state Mike Pompeo is in the UK where he'll hold talks with prime minister Boris Johnson on issues ranging from coronavirus to China and Hong Kong.
美国国务卿蓬佩奥正在英国访问 他将与英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊就冠状病毒、中国和香港等问题展开会谈