日期:2020-07-17 19:57



He was a comic genius who had only one speed - full throttle. From the moment he burst into our lives as an alien on Happy Days, he amazed us with a range of talent that left us breathless. Yet, behind the manic shtick of Robin Williams was a man who was deeply plagued by depression. He had other demons, such as alcohol and cocaine. Still he kept us entertained to the very end, which made it all the more unfathomable to his legion of fans and admirers when he took his life, at the age of 63. In today's Biographics, we get to the essence of the real Robin Williams.
Early Life
Robin McLaurin Williams came into the world on July 21st, 1951. Born at St. Luke's Hospital in Chicago, Illinois he was the only child of Laurie and Robert Williams. The family was wealthy, with Robert being a senior executive at the Ford Motor Company. Laurie was a former model and part-time actress. Much of Robin's formative years were spent alone in the huge mansion that was his home. In order to cope with his loneliness he created characters and conversations in his head. He was an overweight child, which led to bullying at school. The sixth grade, he later recalled, was the most difficult year of his life. Many days he went home crying, after constant name calling and physical harassment. Each day was a torment for him, with the only friends the ones he created in his imagination.
The hardship of these early years brought on a deep seated state of depression that Robin was to grapple with for the rest of his life. Robin began to use comedy as a defense mechanism. It started with his mother. Laurie had a very sharp wit and would often use humor, laced with sarcasm, to communicate with her son. In order to connect with her, Robin had to make his mother laugh. It wasn't good enough to be Robin; he had to be funny Robin.
By the time he was 16, the family had relocated to Tiburon, California where Robin attended Redwood High School. It was the late sixties, and the straight-laced Robin found himself in the middle of a counterculture that revolved around drugs and sex. He was able to loosen up and, after dabbling with marijuana, found himself fitting in for the first time. It was at Redwood High that Robin stumbled upon the drama department. He had already perfected his comedic veneer, quickly establishing a reputation as the class clown. He fell in love with the idea of improv performance, his comedic personality slowly emerging through drama classes. At the same time, Robin got involved in wrestling and soccer, proving to be an accomplished athlete. Yet, by the time he graduated college in 1969, he was voted by his classmates as the 'least likely to succeed.' Not surprisingly he was also voted 'funniest student.'
After graduation, Robin attended Claremont Men's College, his sights set on a career in political science. Before long, however, he was spending more time in the college theater than in lecture rooms. He won the coveted role of Fagin in the College's production of Oliver, turning in a stellar performance that made it clear that he was destined for the limelight. Leaving behind his diplomatic ambitions, Robin enrolled in a community college theater program. During classes he would often improvise, leaving his classmates and teachers in fits of laughter. After three years of honing his craft, he was offered the opportunity of a lifetime - a full scholarship to the Juilliard School of Performing Arts in New York City.




Williams was one of only two students accepted into the 1973 advance program at Juilliard. The other was future superman actor, Christopher Reeve. Reeve, who would become a close friend, recalled his first impressions upon meeting Williams: He wore tie-dyed shirts with tracksuit bottoms and talked a mile a minute. I'd never seen so much energy contained in one person. He was like an untied balloon that had been inflated and immediately released. I watched in awe as he virtually caromed off the walls of the class and hallways. To say that he was 'on' would be a major understatement.
At Juilliard, Robin astounded his teachers and fellow students alike. He was able to take on the persona of characters with ease, trading out one accent or dialect for another like he was born to do it. However, Robin was frustrated at Juilliard. He just didn't fit in. After two years, his teachers told him that there was nothing more that they could teach him. One of his instructors considered Robin to be a genius who was not being properly served by the school's conservative and classical training style. He left Juilliard in 1976, ready to launch himself on the world. His first stop was the stand up circuit on the West Coast.
Robin's first break into the realms of comedy came at a club in the San Francisco Bay Area. His first gig was at the Holy City Zoo, where he also spent time tending bar. These early sets were frenetic, bordering on psychotic. No one had ever seen anything quite like Robin Williams. He played a collection of edgy characters including Reverend Oral Satisfaction. His early stand-up was influenced by the likes of Lenny Bruce, Peter Sellers and Jonathan Winters. His manic edge, quick fire ad-lib routines and off-the-wall physical comedy proved a hit and he soon established a loyal following. Robin loved the immediate feedback that came from stand-up, and it was something that he would continue to do right through his career. Despite the apparent ease of his performances, he actually found stand-up very stressful. Underneath the cloak of his act, he was an intensely shy man. He once said that he started using drugs and alcohol as a crutch to combat his stage nerves.
在旧金山湾区的一个俱乐部里,罗宾首次踏进喜剧领域KQIiCBrF,WyOy1C。他的首次表演是在一个名叫“圣城动物园”的俱乐部,他还在那里的吧台打工zvmO|wILThj0uVP-r。起初,他的表演风格是近乎神经质的疯狂c#PEoNgWhOX。没有人看过像罗宾·威廉姆斯这样的表演pc6M!2.pNSH&!]Iw^。他表演的角色都很新潮,比如Reverend Oral SatisfactionK;SfB|@ST1nwUMJ~fq@。他早期脱口秀的风格受到了兰尼·布鲁斯、彼得·塞勒斯和乔纳森·温特斯等人的影响Qw*djO5!2)QL。他的疯狂表演、即兴的快问快答和疯癫的肢体喜剧大受欢迎,并迅速收获了一批忠实粉丝o!plK,=Klsl*]34i%i)。罗宾喜欢脱口秀带来的即时反馈,这种表演形式也一直贯穿于他的职业生涯中63zU8gW;*o^c。虽然他的表演从表面上看很轻松,但他其实觉得说脱口秀是很有压力的byP0tguWCh。隐藏在他表演背后的是一个非常害羞的人Fl&pDWGJZ|k&d|%1。他曾说自己会使用毒品和酒精来消除在舞台上的恐惧Pcp!K=[-ckQP
In 1977, Williams moved to Los Angeles where he began performing at the Comedy Club. It was here that he was discovered by TV producer George Schlatter who offered him a spot on a revival of the old 60's show Laugh In. The show didn't survive, but for Williams it established a foothold into a career in television. He became a semi-regular cast member on The Richard Pryor Show, while also continuing to perform stand-up. It was an appearance on The Richard Pryor Show that brought Williams to the attention of Gary Marshall, the producer of the hit sit-com Happy Days. After five seasons, the scriptwriters were seriously running out of ideas (though they hadn't yet 'jumped the shark'). They decided to do an episode taking off the 1960's sci-fi comedy My Favorite Martian. The episode was called My Favorite Orkan and called for the casting of an actor to play an alien from the land of Ork. Marshall though that Williams might be the man for the job. In what has gone down as possibly the most brilliant audition in TV history, Robin entered the room and immediately sat in the chair on his head. He proceeded to do his lines, and then broke into an inspired ad-lib. Marshall cast him on the spot, later commenting that Williams was the only alien who turned up for the part. The episode of Happy Days was originally shot as a dream sequence on the part of Richie Cunningham. However, the character played by Williams, Mork from Ork, was such a hit with the TV watching audience after an initial broadcast, that the ending was re-filmed so that Mork was a real character.
1977年,威廉姆斯搬到了洛杉矶,他在那里的喜剧俱乐部开始表演kaX8Ah#|!J_2w6;。电视制片人乔治·施拉特正是在那里发掘了他,为他在重演的60年代老节目Laugh In上留了一个位置7h&jHN%DEYPY。这档节目并未延续下去,但对于威廉姆斯来说,这建立了进军电视业的稳固地位lgQv-X^bH!+7U-。他成了理查德·普赖尔秀的半常驻嘉宾,而且仍在表演脱口秀~]U&0G7Ra[aOO~t。威廉姆斯在理查德·普赖尔秀上的表现吸引了热播情景喜剧《欢乐时光》制片人加里·马歇尔的注意2JQxEtiQ]1。5季播完后,编剧们没灵感了(虽然他们还没有“走下坡路”),VDBBvboFSuc#kny。他们决定做一集来模仿60年代的科幻喜剧《火星叔叔马丁》5!)7rFD^)WB~W1YxEg)。这一集的名字叫“我最喜欢的奥坎”,他们想让一个演员来扮演来自欧克的外星人rev1JI#%&hT[.J;q5Ab。马歇尔觉得威廉姆斯可能是合适的人选cNV)Ozn0Qd.,ru,]+!VZ。罗宾走进房间后,立即头倒立在椅子上,这可能是电视史上最棒的试镜uQ,+No,5A+g5O7S5t!UH。他开始说他的台词,然后突然有了灵感,开始即兴表演S(bQZ6yB^x^BvZ6TY0。马歇尔让他出演了该角色,后来他说,威廉姆斯是这部分里出现的唯一一个外星人Rqelw&p~O.o。《欢乐时光》原本拍摄里奇·坎宁安的部分是一段插入主线之中的梦境RcHo_MWtx0f)E=。然而,由威廉姆斯饰演的来自欧克的莫克太受观众欢迎了,以至于在首播之后,他们还重新拍摄了一个结局,这样莫克就是一个真实存在的人物了eT5oquDL!q]I-[&qI.*&
Much of Robin's work on the Happy Days episode was improvised and augmented with physical comedy. Audiences couldn't get enough of the zany alien and demanded more. This led to the creation of the spin-off series Mork and Mindy, which ran from 1978 to 1982. The show catapulted Williams to super stardom literally overnight. After just two weeks on the air, it had zoomed to the top 10 of the Nielsen ratings. The producers of the show kept the script loose enough to give Robin plenty of room to do as he pleased - and the results were unpredictable, over-the-top and hilarious. While the critics weren't overly enthused with the show, they were falling over themselves to lavish praise upon its star.
