Obviously, you see my kids -- Jeffrey, Marcus, Jasmine -- I love you guys.
我的孩子们也在这,杰弗里,马库斯,贾丝明,我爱你们 。
I think you guys represent a lot of me; a lot of different personalities.
我觉得你们继承了我很多的特质,很多不同的个性 。
Your Mom, you represent them as well.
当然还有你们的母亲 。
You know I think that you guys have a heavy burden.
我认为你们背负的东西很重 。
I wouldn't want to be you guys if I had to, because of all the expectations that you have to deal with
I mean look around you, they're charging $1000 tickets for this whole event.
比如说这个活动吧,今天的票价是差不多1000美元 。
It used to be 200 bucks. But I paid it, you know, I had no choice.
过去的票价只有200多 。但是我得付啊,我别无选择啊 。
I had a lot of family, a lot of friends I had to bring in...
so thank you Hall of Fame for raising ticket prices, I guess.
所以我真要“感谢”一下名人堂的负责人,把票价提高了这么多 。
But you guys -- I love you guys -- you guys, just so you know,
you got a whole host of people supporting you; family, friends, people that you don't know.
你们背后也有很多人支持啊,朋友,家人,甚至一些你不认识的人 。
Relatives coming out of the woodwork, you know, no matter how you look at it.
“远方亲戚”啊什么的,不管你们怎么看 。
But I think we taught you right -- your Mom and I -- and hopefully you can make the right decision when the time comes.
我觉得我很好的教育了你们,我和你们的母亲,希望在你们该做决定的时候能做出正确的 。
My Mom, what else can I say about my Mom. My Mom never stays still.
我的母亲,我还有什么要说她的呢 。我妈从来是忙个不停 。
You think I'm busy? She's always on the go.
你们觉得我很忙吗?她才是一直忙的人 。
And without her -- she's a rock -- she's unbelievable.
Right now she takes over two jobs.
时至今日她还承担两份工作 。
She's an unbelievable woman. If I've got anybody that's nagging me each and every day, it is her.
她真是个难以置信的女性 。如果有谁每天都在唠叨我,那就是她 。
And she constantly keeps me focused on the good things about life
you know how people perceive you, how you respect them, you know what's good for the kids, what's good for you.
比如人们怎么看待你,你应该怎样尊重别人,什么对孩子好,什么对你好 。
How you are perceived publicly, take a pause and think about the things that you do.
公众对你的看法如何,做事之前要三思而后行 。
And that all came from my parents, you know it came from my Mom.
这都是我父母教导的,尤其来自我的母亲 。
And she still at this stage -- I'm 46 years old -- she's still parenting me today.
她现在还处于这个阶段,我现在都46岁了,她还在教育着我 。
And that's the good thing about that lady, I love her to death. I love her to death.
这就是这位女士的优点,我对你的爱至死不渝,至死不渝 。
And I'm going to thank a couple people that you guys probably wouldn't even think that I would thank.
我还要感谢一些人,你们可能从没想过我会感谢他们 。
Isiah Thomas, Magic Johnson, George Gervin -- now they say it was a so-called 'freeze out' in my rookie season.
伊赛亚·托马斯,“魔术师”约翰逊,乔治·格文,他们说在我的新秀赛季“冻结”了我 。
I wouldn't have never guessed, but you guys gave me the motivation to say 'you know what, evidently I haven't proved enough to these guys.
我当时是想不到的,但是你们给了我前进的动力,“知道吗,我对这些家伙证明得还不够 。
I gotta prove to them that I deserve what I've gotten on this level'.
我必须要像这些家伙证明,我配得上来到这个层次 。
And no matter what people may have said -- if it was a rumor, I never took it as truth
but you guys never froze me out, because I was just happy to be there, no matter how you look at it.
但是你们从来没有“冻结”过我,因为我就喜欢在场上撒欢,不管你们怎么看 。
And from that point forward I wanted to prove to you, Magic, Larry, George, everybody
that I deserved to be on this level just as much as everybody else.
我和你们一样配得上来到这个层次 。
And hopefully over the period of my career I've done that, without a doubt
you know even in the Detroit years, we've done that.
即使是在底特律称雄的那两年,我们也做到了 。
Pat Riley. I mean, you and I, we go way back.
帕特·莱利 。咱俩可是老相识了 。
I still remember in Hawaii -- you remember in Hawaii, you and I
I was coming in and you were, I guess leaving, and you decided to stay a couple extra days, but you were in my suite.
当时我要入住,你可能要离开了,然后你决定多待几天,但是你住的是我的套房 。
And they came and they told you you had to get out of my suite.
然后酒店的人过来,让你从我的套房里搬出去 。
And you slid a note underneath my door -- although you had to move; you did move
you slid a note, saying: 'I enjoyed the competition, congratulations. But we will meet again.'
纸条上写着,“我很享受这次比赛,恭喜你 。但是我们会再见面的 。”
And I took the heart in that because I think in all honesty you're just as competitive as I am, even from a coaching stand point.
我记在心里了,因为在我看来,你是一个和我一样争强好胜的家伙,即使作为教练 。
And you challenged me every time I played the Knicks, the Heat -- and I don't think you were with the Lakers
but anytime I played against you, you had Jordan-Stoppers on your team, you had John Starks who I loved.
不过我每次和你的球队对阵,你的队里都有个“乔丹终结者”,还有我最爱的约翰·斯塔克斯 。
You even had my friend Charles Oakley saying 'we can't go to lunch, we can't go to dinner,
because Pat doesn't believe in fraternizing between the two of us.'
因为帕特·莱利不允许咱俩称兄道弟 。”
And this guy hit me harder than anybody else in the league and he was my best friend.
这家伙是联盟里防我防的最起劲的人,但居然是我最好的朋友 。
Patrick Ewing -- we had the same agent, we came at the same time, but we can't go to lunch.
帕特里克·尤因 。咱俩有同一个经纪人,差不多同时进入的联盟,但我和他不能一起吃午饭 。
Why is this? You think I'm gonna play against Patrick any different than I play against anybody else? Nah, nah.
为什么?你以为我和尤因比赛会和对阵其他球员不一样吗?不是的 。
And then you had your little guy, who was on your staff, who became the next coach after you -- Jeff VanGundy.
还有你的那个手下,在你之后成为尼克斯主教练的小个子,杰夫·范甘迪 。
He said I conned the players, I befriended them and then I attacked them on the basketball court.
他说我会欺骗球员,和他们成为朋友,然后再在球场上攻击他们 。
Where did that come from? I just so happen to be a friendly guy.
这都是从哪儿传来的?我还算是个很友好的人吧 。
I get along with everybody, but at the same time when the light comes on, I'm just as competitive as anybody you know.
我和每个人都能处的来,但是每当聚光灯亮起来,我就会蜕变成那个众人皆知的好胜狂 。
So you guys I have to say thank you very much for that motivation that I desperately needed.
所以对于你们这些人,我只想说实在感谢你们给予的那些我迫切需要的动力 。