Voice 2: The problem is that everyone must have a place to rid their bodies of waste — including people who do not have toilets. Some people use their fields. So, the organisms in their waste find a new place to live. Often, the organisms choose to live on the food growing in the field. When people eat that food, they can get sick.
声音2:问题是所有人都必须有处理自已身体里的废物的地方,包括那些没有厕所的人 。有些人在田地里解决 。这会使他们粪便中的有机体找到新的生存场所 。通常,有机体选择以田间生长的食物为生 。人们食用了这些食物后,就可能会生病 。
Voice 1: Other people use rivers to carry away their waste. But organisms from human waste can live in water. So, when people use water from the river, they can get sick.
声音1:其他人让河水冲走他们的粪便 。但人类粪便中的有机体可以在水中生存 。因此,当人们使用来自该河流中的水时,他们就可能会生病 。
Voice 2: And in some places many people must share one toilet. This is the case for one poor area in Mumbai, India. One thousand four hundred and forty people share one toilet.
声音2:在有些地方,人们必须共用一个厕所 。印度孟买的一个贫困区就是如此 。1440人共用一个厕所 。