This is a great time to rescue a pet.
Portia and I rescued a dog from a place called Wagmor Pets.
我和波西娅在Wagmor Pets救下了一只狗狗
It's in Studio City, and they have a lot more pets that need to be adopted.
它在影视城 那儿还有很多需要领养的宠物
I'm going to show you some right now in a segment "Get These Pets Right Meow."
我要给大家看一看 这个环节叫“现喵去领养宠物吧”
Get these right meow, even though I'm showing you dogs.
现喵去领养宠物 不过我给大家看的是狗狗
Here's the first adoptable dog. That's Missy. She's a three-year-old pit bull.
这是第一个等待领养的狗狗 它叫Missy 是一只3岁的斗牛犬
She loves all people, including you. Bring her home. Go get her.
它喜欢所有人类 包括你 把它带回家吧 去收养它
Here's another dog that's available. This is burrito. She's a six-year-old teacup chihuahua.
这是另一只 它叫burrito(墨西哥卷) 一只6岁的茶杯吉娃娃
Now teacups are small, but burritos are filling, so you get it both ways there with her.
茶杯犬很小 不过墨西哥卷加了很多料 所以有了它你就两全其美了
Here's another dog. This is Rufio. He's a 2 and 1/2 year old Shepherd Shar-Pei mix.
这是另一只 叫Rufio 一只两岁半的沙皮牧羊犬混血狗
He looks happy, but he'll be even happier if you rescue him. Look at that.
它看起来很高兴 如果你收养了它 它会更高兴的
And here are two adorable dogs you should get your paws on.
These two have been there a long time. That's Johnny and June Cash.
它俩已经在收养所很久了 是Johnny和June Cash
They're three-year-old Chiweenies, and they have to go together.
它们是3岁的Chiweenies 它俩一定要在一起
What are they? Chiweenies. OK. They're so cute, and they have to go together, Johnny and June Cash.
什么品种?Chiweenies 好吧 它们超可爱 两只一定要在一起 Johnny和June Cash
Please go adopt those two dogs. They're so sweet.
去收养它们吧 超可爱的
A lot of people had to surrender their pets, because they can't afford to feed their family, much less their pets,
很多人不得不放弃宠物 因为他们连家人都快养不起了 更别说宠物了
so these pets have to be given up, and just-- there's a lot of shelters that, where you are.
所以这些宠物都被迫放弃了 有很多庇护所 你所在的地方
Please go rescue animals right now.
Again, all these dogs and many more are available at Wagmor.
再说一遍 所有这些狗狗还有其他狗都在Wagmor
And speaking of pets, I want to tell you about something amazing that Chewy is doing.
说到宠物 我想告诉大家Chewy做的一件很棒的事
All right. Chewy has already donated six million dollars in supplies to make sure people with pets have everything they need to keep their animals happy and healthy while at home.
好 Chewy 已经捐赠了600万美元的物资 帮助那些需要的人 确保他们的宠物在家里开心又健康
I am so excited to announce that today Chewy is donating another $700,000 worth of American Journey dog food to help pets across the country.
我很高兴地宣布 今天 Chewy再捐赠70万美元的American Journey狗粮 帮助全国各地的宠物们
Incredible. Chewy, thank you so much. That's so incredible. Thank you for watching.
太棒了 Chewy 非常感谢 太了不起了 感谢观看
Stay safe. Be kind of one another. Bye bye.
要安全哦 善待他人 拜拜