Hey, Psych2goers! Do you know what triggers your stress?
Knowing common stressors can be a big part of combating the tension you feel.
了解常见的压力因素是对抗紧张感的重要部分 。
Most people have trouble identifying their triggers and may wind up feeling the effects of stress without knowing what caused it.
大部分人都无法识别触发压力的诱因,可能会在不知道起因的情况下,感受到压力的影响 。
So here are 8 things that may be triggering your stress.
以下是8件可能会触发压力的事情 。
1. You have trouble with finances.
1. 遇上了财务问题 。
Are you worried about making enough money to be financially stable?
Well, you're not alone. Because according to the American Institute of Stress,
不仅仅只有你会这样 。因为根据美国压力研究所,
money is the second most common source of stress in the United States.
金钱是美国第二大压力来源 。
Making enough money requires hard work, budgeting, knowledge, and fiscal responsibility.
赚足够的钱需要努力工作、预算、知识和财政责任 。
As much of the world revolves around money,
the ways of making and managing income can become very stressful and take a toll on your well-being.
赚取和管理收入的方式会让你倍感压力,并对你的幸福产生负面影响 。
2. You have toxic friends.
2. 有毒的朋友 。
These friends complicate everything and leave you stressed out a lot
while good friends are supposed to help and support you through life's challenges.
而好朋友应该在你遇到生活挑战的时候,帮助你,支持你 。
Toxic friends may drain your energy and hurt you.
坏朋友会耗尽你的精力,伤害你 。
They may be hypocritical, selfish, and cause a great deal of drama
他们可能会很虚伪、自私,还是个戏精 。
In any prolonged stress they may cause you can lead to negative effects on your emotional and mental well-being.
在任何长期的压力中,他们可能会给你的情绪和精神健康带来负面影响 。
3. You're affected by someone else's stress.
3. 受其他人压力的影响 。
Do you notice that you feel worse when the people around you are stressed out?
Maybe your friends are panicking over a test for a class you don't take but for some reason you feel panicked, too.
或许你的朋友在为一次你不需要参加的考试而恐慌,但出于某些原因,你也感到恐慌 。
Stress is contagious and this is especially true when you're an empath who's in tune with what others' feel.
压力是会传染的,尤其是当你是一个能理解他人内心感情的超人时 。
So it's important to be aware of the kind of energy you surrounded yourself with.
所以,了解你周围的能量是很重要的 。
4. You're going through a big life change.
4. 你正在经历重要的生活变故 。
Are you stressed out when things change? Events or lifestyle changes like moving to a new state,
practicing social distancing or losing a loved one can send even the calmest person spiraling.
执行社交距离或是失去爱人这样的事件或生活方式的变化甚至会让最镇定的人恐慌 。
According to Dr. Surran, big life changes can lead to cognitive dissonance, which is when your beliefs and behaviors don't match up.
根据Surran博士,巨大的生活变故会导致认知失调,即你的信仰和行为不匹配 。
Large disruptions in your life bring about uncertainty and therefore more stress.
生活中的大混乱会给你带来不确定性,从而带来更多的压力 。
5. You have a traumatic upbringing.
5. 你有一个创伤性童年 。
Your upbringing can make more of a difference to your current self than you think it does.
你的成长经历对现在的自己的影响比你想象的要大得多 。
It can influence your identity and attitude to how you deal with stress.
它会影响你对身份的认同,以及处理压力的态度 。
For example, a rough childhood may lead you to develop CPTSD (complex post-traumatic stress disorder).
例如,艰困的童年可能会导致你患上复杂型创伤后应激障碍(CPTSD) 。
The symptoms of CPTSD are trouble regulating emotions and impulses, a skewed sense of self and alterations and life meaningfulness.
CPTSD的症状是难以调节情绪和冲动,扭曲的自我意识、改变和生活的意义 。
6. You have an alcohol addiction.
6. 酗酒成瘾 。
Do you often turn to drinking when dealing with stress? While alcohol may temporarily help you cope with stress,
it can contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety in the long run, which can make stress more difficult to deal with.
但长此以往,它会造成抑郁和焦虑感,使得压力更加难以应对 。
As an addiction treatment center put it, the aftermath of drinking alcohol includes a drop in blood sugar levels
and aggravating symptoms of anxiety for some.
还会加重一些人的焦虑症状 。
So if you find yourself particularly stressed out after a night of drinking,
you may want to make a mental note to consider that before going out and doing the same thing again.
在你出去做同样的事情之前,你可能要在心里考虑一下 。
7. You have negative beliefs towards life.
7. 你对生活有消极的信念 。
While there are external triggers for stress, there are also internal ones.
压力有外部诱因,也有内部诱因 。
Being pessimistic and lacking the ability to let things go can trigger a stress response.
悲观以及缺乏放手的能力会引发压力反应 。
It may be because talking negatively to yourself make you view things as more negative
or that holding on to anger and resentment can make you more susceptible to the stress that comes from those emotions.
或是因为抓住愤怒和怨恨不放会让你更容易受到来自这些情绪的压力的影响 。
Keeping your body in a constant state of alarm will result in stress and exhaustion
让你的身体一直处于警觉状态会导致压力和疲惫 。
8. You have cumulative stress.
8. 累积的压力 。
You find yourself reaching a breaking point at a seemingly random time.
你发现自己似乎在一个随机的时间到达了一个临界点 。
This may be because of what's called cumulative stress.
这可能是因为所谓的累积压力 。
There isn't one big reason for your stress, but several small ones that add up.
不是某个大因素而是各种小因素的累积造成了你的压力 。
You may be able to handle each small event individually, but feel overwhelmed when they start to pile up.
你可以单独处理每一件小事,但是当它们堆积起来的时候,你会感到不知所措 。
Having time to process and recover in between particularly trying circumstances is crucial,
and without it you might be more at risk of the negative side effects stress brings.
如果没有时间去处理,你可能更容易受到压力带来的负面影响 。
Do you relate to any of these signs? What do you plan to do next? Let us know in the comments below.
你有以上迹象吗?接下来你打算怎么做?请在下方评论告知 。
If you found this video helpful, be sure to LIKE, subscribe and share this video with those who might benefit from it.
如果你觉得本期视频有帮助,请一定要点赞、订阅,并和需要的人分享本期视频 。
The references in studies used in this video are added in the description below.
本期视频中使用的研究参考均列在下方 。
Thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video.
感谢收看,我们下期视频见 。