Voice 1: Start singing. Singing can make the muscles in your mouth and airways stronger. This will reduce the noise when you snore.
声音1:开始唱歌 。唱歌可以令口腔和呼吸道的肌肉更强健 。这可以减少打鼾时发出的噪音 。
Voice 2: Put a ball in the back of your pajamas, your sleeping clothes. This will prevent you from sleeping on your back. Lying on your back can increase the chance of snoring.
声音2:在睡衣后面放个球 。这样你就不能仰躺着睡觉了 。平躺睡觉会增加打鼾的几率 。
Voice 1: Use nasal strips. Nasal strips are pieces of plastic that attach to your nose. The nasal strip holds open your nostrils. This makes breathing easier, and reduces snoring.
声音1:使用止鼾贴片 。止鼾贴片是贴在鼻子上的塑料片 。止鼾贴片可以打开你的鼻孔 。这会使呼吸更加容易,同时减少打鼾 。
Voice 2: Do not use a pillow under your head. This soft material bends your neck. A bent neck can increase snoring.
声音2:不要枕枕头 。这种柔软物质会令颈部弯曲 。而颈部弯曲会增加打鼾 。