We don't really play games with our parents.
我们不和父母玩游戏 。
Oh, game playing, um... Probably, maybe once a month.
哦,玩游戏,嗯……可能一个月一次吧 。
Video games, I usually am like, no.
我不玩电子游戏 。
I haven't really played anything since the early 90's.
90年代初我就不玩了 。
Once a week? Mmm. No, Dad. No, no.
每周一次?嗯 。爸,不是,不 。
Family learning, let me think. Let me think.
家庭学习,我想想 。
When her and some kids get together to share experiences and explore the world together.
她和一些孩子聚在一起分享经验、探索世界 。
My name is Sinem Siyahhan. I'm an Associate Professor of Educational Technology and Learning Sciences at Cal State San Marcos.
我叫希娜姆·希娅汉,我是加州州立大学圣马科斯分校教育技术学与学习科学专业的副教授 。
My gaming skills are average. Sorry. I just wanna make sure that I can get some meat out of this cow.
我玩游戏水平一般 。抱歉,我只是想确保我能从这头牛身上弄点肉 。
My current work is inspired by my experience as a child. Two parents are working long hours.
受到童年经历的启发,我做了现在这份工作 。我父母工作时间很长 。
They didn't have enough energy and time to play with me and my brother, and we didn't really get to spend time together.
他们没有足够的时间和精力陪我和我弟弟玩,我们也没怎么在一起待过 。
I try to play with my son as much as I can. I value playing games. Oh, there. Yes.
我尽可能地多和我儿子一起玩,我很重视玩游戏 。哦,那里 。是的 。
So, for example, here, we're exploring the farm.
比如,我们正在探索农场 。
And we're interacting with animals, and my son is learning what sound each animal makes.
我们在和动物们互动,我儿子在学习每种动物发出的声音 。
What does the sheep say? Mah, yes.
绵羊怎么叫?咩,是的 。
Engaging in play is important, whether it is digital or non-digital play.
参与游戏是非常重要的,不管是数码游戏还是非数码游戏 。
We invite parents and kids to play together.
我们邀请家长和孩子一起来玩 。
We're fortunate to have Alienware provide gaming laptops for our families.
是外星人为我们各个家庭提供的游戏笔记本,我们感到十分幸运 。
What I find really interesting with Play2Connect, it helps families grow these shared values together.
我发现Play2Connect非常有意思,它帮助家庭成员一起培育共同的价值观 。
Hey, Sinem, how's it goin'? It's going well, how are you?
I'm doin' well, did everything show up? Yes, we have the laptops, they're ready to go.
我也很好,东西都到了吗?嗯,我们收到了笔记本电脑,它们已经整装待发 。
I believe I am making positive impact through video games.
我相信我们可以通过电子游戏来产生积极的影响 。
One of the problems that I see is video games are framed as a context of conflict between parents and kids.
我发现的一个问题是,电子游戏的设计背景就是父母和孩子之间的冲突 。
What I'm trying to do is to show parents and kids that video games could be a context for togetherness, collaboration, problem solving.
我现在努力向家长和孩子展示出,电子游戏可以是和睦与相互合作的,还可以解决问题 。
Hello, everyone, welcome to our Play2Connect event.
大家好,欢迎来到Play2Connect活动 。
Thank you for coming, we're really excited to have you here.
感谢你们的到来,我们对此感到十分高兴 。
The light one. Oh my gosh, look, you're stopping the water flow. All right, we're gonna have parents and kids switch.
浅色的那个 。哦我的天哪,看,你在阻止水流 。嗯,家长和孩子交换位置 。
Now you need to start capturing the animals.
现在你需要捕捉动物 。
And enter space. Ah, put it in there again. I got it, I got it, I got it.
进入这个空间 。啊,再放到这里 。我知道啦 。
No, Dad. You build it on top of that.
爸,不是这样的 。你把它建到顶上 。
All right, let's try to plant seeds and see what happens.
嗯,我们试着播一下种,看看会发生什么 。
What is happening? I have a plan.
发生什么了?我有个计划 。
What are we gonna do? I have to clear it myself.
我们要做什么?我必须自己清理一下 。
We put some lights on. Some more torches?
我们开点灯 。再来点火把?
At home, I'm tutoring her, now it's the other way around.
在家里是我教她,现在反过来了 。
A few times I did big mistakes, like flooded our cornfield. It's not corn, wheat. Oh, wheat, see?
有时我会犯些大错,比如淹没了我们的玉米田 。不是玉米,是小麦 。哦,小麦,看见了吗?
Did you enjoy the challenges? Especially the chicken farm we made.
你享受这些挑战吗?尤其是我们弄的养鸡场 。
Why does it have a skeleton in it? It's a lot more fun than I thought. It's really interesting watching him at work.
为什么这里面有个骷髅?这比我想象中的有意思多了,看他认真的样子真的很有意思 。
There's just more value here than I think I had imagined, that it could be really good quality time.
这比我想象中的有价值多了,这段时间真的很棒 。
And I'm surprised at how patient he was with me.
他和我待在一起很有耐心,这点让我很惊讶 。
You liked me doing it, and then you were tellin' me, "good job." That was cool.
你喜欢我做这个,然后你告诉我:“干得不错 。”这很酷 。
It's really important that we shift the trend around video games and families,
and really start thinking about video games in terms of their potential to contribute to our lives.
并且开始思考电子游戏可能给我们的生活带来哪些好处 。
Yeah, that's a pig! Where's the pig?