日期:2020-05-01 07:45



"Zero, all engines running…One small step for man… We have a liftoff."


"Alright, I guess we should just say what's going on."


"We thought it'd be a good time to talk about a part of the Apollo 11 mission that often gets overlooked,


which was the quarantine: including time in a refitted Airstream trailer and a lab."


"You're gonna get to see some of the engineering that NASA's really famous for, but applied to a totally different problem,


which is: how do you keep a lunar plague from hitting the Earth?" "Yeah."


"We've done a few other episodes of this where one of us knows something, the other doesn't.


This time, we've all just been cramming on quarantine facts about this Apollo 11 quarantine.


And seeing so many men in, like, short sleeve shirts."


"And we're gonna talk to Amy Teitel from Vintage Space, a channel that Phil and I both really like."

“这次我们还邀请了Vintage Space频道的Amy Teitel参与讨论,我和Phil我们两个都很喜欢她们的频道Q)z,kWVvXL)。”

"So yeah, this is the quarantine edition of History Club."




"I wanted to talk about the stuff before we get with Amy though,


like about the period of the 20th century and vaccinations in general."


"The moon landing is happening in July of 1969."


"It was kind of an optimistic time in the middle of the 20th century:


measles, mumps, polio, these had all been beaten back and, like, we felt pretty good about being able to contain potential diseases.


Even though there's an extremely low probability that anything contaminated was on the moon,


if there was even a chance that they could bring something back, it would be truly novel and potentially devastating to life on Earth."


"Alright, can you see that?"




"Oh wait, this is the quote that I love.


'They will be treated not as heroes, but as bearers of the most virulent devastating plague the world has ever known.'


I love that.


And plague is spelled wrong."


"This is how Venom in Spiderman got to Earth.


So...this is important stuff.


This is an idea that we've become very familiar with now,


because we have the coronavirus is so dangerous is because no human's ever had it before.


And if there were an alien lunar plague, no human had ever had it before, so it's kind of the same threat."


"Which is why they took no chances and put them in quarantine.


It's a very blunt approach, but it's really interesting that that was kind of like, this is our surest bet."


"They've developed the need for this quarantine, and then they've got this problem of how to logistically make it happen,


to get these astronauts from the middle of the ocean all the way to the lunar receiving lab in Houston."


"With no exposure to Earth's environment at all."


"Yes. In theory."


"In theory."


"Pete will be in the background."


"Hey Pete."


"Hi Pete, nice to meet you."


"He says 'meow.'


I gave him some catnip so he's a little bit stoned right now, it's pretty fun."


"Oh good."


"And so this first clip that I have is...let me load it up."


"So what they're practicing is, they want to get the astronauts out of the command module and onto a helicopter basically,


with as little contamination as possible to try to preserve this quarantine.


It makes sense that they had to train to do this, but it's still crazy to think about it,


that like you're going through this excitement of being about to go to the moon and you're training for how you're gonna get into your quarantine suit."



"But it does make sense, I mean, how bad would it be if the mission went off beautifully,


everything was great, rah rah America landing on the moon,


and then they get back and they forget to put on the suit right and,


like, someone falls in the ocean and then everyone gets sick.


Like, womp womp, that'd be a big damper.


So, I kinda get it."


"It's actually from when they were training with the B.I.G. suits, or Big suits."


"And that's the Biological Isolation Garment, right?"




"I've only read it, so I don't know how it was pronounced in conversation."


"It'd be way too cumbersome to not just say Big Suit."

“如果不是念Big Suit,就太费劲了TCFrCPoQ)HCW。”

"I know, right, especially NASA the land of the acronym."


"So here they're all just kinda chilling, waiting to go through the training."


"I do love how much all this footage shows, like, being an astronaut is a lot of sitting and listening quietly."


"Yeah." "Yeah. A lot of meetings."


"It looks like they brought it down upside down too."


"Yeah, they dumped it upside down and then inflated the balloons to flip it."


"And that flotation collar is exactly what it sounds like, it adds buoyancy and gives them a platform to step out of.


Because again, like we learned from Gus Grissom in 1961, right, when his hatch blew early, and the capsule filled with water and sunk.

因为我们从Gus Grissom那次着陆知道1961年,是1961年吧,他在着陆的时候他的安全舱口提前爆开了,结果舱里就进满了水,就沉了Gdxw9vwDPFE

You kinda need to give some kind of barrier from the water rushing into this capsule,


otherwise, again, you end on a very poor note after a great mission."


"There's a very large issue that the whole quarantine thing in this move of, like, you just opened the capsule.


Quarantine for Apollo 11, and Apollo 12 as well, started the moment they closed the hatch after the lunar EVA. The moonwalk.


So everything that had been exposed was sealed up,


and of course on the way back, you're not opening the capsule at all,


there's nothing to introduce anything new, no one's interacting with it,


so you've got this thing that's been sealed for like four days and you just opened up the air and then reseal it.




It's a bit of a weak link in the chain there, but there was no better option."


"They also, they sprayed them down, right, they threw the suits in, put them on, and then sprayed them with chemicals."


"And so, and so here that's them, they've gotten out, they're wearing the B.I.G. suits,


and this is just a practice run, but this is pretty much how it happened.


And so then the next stage of their journey is,


they're in their B.I.G. suits and they make it onto the USS Hornet, which is a big aircraft carrier.


And their goal is to enter the Mobile Quarantine Facility, so that is the next video that I have lined up here."


That's why up here it says Hornet + 3 on the Mobile Quarantine Facility because they are sort of...the astronauts are the additional three who are on the Hornet."


"Oh wait, I think this is the clip when they walk out in their suits, the guy just in a tie just sprays it down after.


I love that."


"And so the people who went in there, it was a doctor, William Carpentier,

“能够进到他们的隔离箱的有William Carpentier医生,

and then John Hiarasaki who was like the project engineer basically,

还有相当于这次隔离的项目工程师的John Hiarasaki,

and so those two guys are going inside and hanging out with these astronauts for the entire period the Mobile Quarantine Facility is traveling."

