Just look at all the space between them.
看看它们之间的距离 。
And managers got private offices on a mezzanine.
经理们则在楼上有单独的办公室 。
Wright said that it paid off.
赖特自己说他的设计得到了回报 。
"One of the first consequences was tea in the afternoon, and they didn't like to go home."
“首先显露出来的一个结果就是他们开始喝下午茶了,而且大家都不想回家了 。”
But Wright's open office was very different from the open drudgery in, say, 1960s "The Apartment."
但赖特设计的开放式办公室与上世纪60年代《公寓》中那种沉闷的开放式办公室之间有着天壤之别 。
People eliminated Wright's careful design work and made a copy of a copy of a copy.
人们漏掉了赖特精心设计的那些地方,然后你抄我,我抄你 。
Open, but without Wright's genius behind it.
抄来了开放的形式,但全然没有了赖特的天才设计 。
That's why people thought a "cubicle" might be the solution.
正因为如此,人们才又会觉得“小隔间”才是他们想要的设计 。
The May 1968 issue of Progressive Architecture has a lot of gems.
1968年5月出版的《进步建筑》里有很多值得称道的设计 。
Like this flooring that's…asbestos tile?
Hindsight 20/20 probably should have gone with linoleum.
说句马后炮的话,用油毡应该更好吧 。
Page 174 has a spread about a movement called Bürolandschaft.
这期的174页是有一篇关于“办公景观”运动的文章 。
It means "office landscape," and started in Germany in the 1950's.
它的意思是“办公室景观”,这场运动始于20世纪50年代的德国 。
By the 60's, it had made its way to America.
到了60年代,这一风潮传播到了美国 。
Look at this diagram of DuPont Chemical's boxy, very organized offices before Bürolandschaft.
我们先来看下这场运动兴起之前,杜邦化学公司这种四四方方、井井有条的办公室 。
And now look at the fluid, organic layout they ended up with.
现在我们再来看他们后来改用的这种流动式的有机布局吧 。
The idea was to make offices open, but keep them flexible.
这一设计的初衷是让办公室变得开放的同时保留布局的灵活性 。
Herman Miller did the same with their "Action Office."
赫尔曼米勒公司对他们的“行动办公室”也做了同样的设计 。
"And what exactly is Action Office?"
"Well, I'm walking through it right now."
“我身边就是一个这样的办公室 。”
Herman Miller's Robert Propst designed it to break up space, but it allowed for easy interaction and rearrangement.
该公司的罗伯特·普罗普斯特采用这种设计是为了打破空间,此外,这一设计还能方便员工互动,布局也可进行重新排列 。
There were even special task groups for each part of the office.
办公室的各个区域甚至还设有特别工作组 。
The idea was constant flexibility with specifically designed furniture.
其理念是通过对家具进行特别设计保证随时移动的灵活性 。
But when people copied Bürolandschaft and Action Office, they forgot the flexibility and attention to detail.
但是,人们在抄“办公景观”和“行动办公室”的设计的时候,他们忘记了这两种设计对灵活性和对细节的关注 。
They only saw the walls.
他们只看到了墙 。
So over the decades we got a copy of a copy of a copy.
于是,几十年来,我们有了经过反复抄袭得来的开放式办公室 。
And went from thoughtful design to cubicle farm.
深思熟虑的设计变成了格子间农场 。
"We'll go ahead and get this all fixed up for you." "Great."
“我们会把一切都替你安排妥当的 。”“很好 。”
Today's supposedly hip open offices are, in part, a reaction to cubicle hatred.
如今所谓时髦的开放式办公室,在一定程度上是对“隔间仇恨”的一种反应 。
But many lack the care and attention of the open offices of Frank Lloyd Wright,
or the partitioned privacy of Herman Miller and Bürolandschaft.
也缺乏赫尔曼·米勒和布隆沙夫特那种分割出来的隐私 。
We've kind of got the worst of both worlds.
我们现在的设计不过是把他们不好的地方都拿过来了 。
The open offices we have are overrated bullpens, but the idea is worth executing well.
我们的开放式办公室确实是被高估了,但这个想法其实是值得好好落实的 。
Because it matters too much to stop trying to fix it.
因为它太重要了,我们不能不想法解决这个问题 。 。
"By that we mean the 40 hours a week, the 87,000 hours, the nearly 10 full years of your life you spend inside the four walls of one room."
“我们指的是在这个由四面墙框起来的房间里,你每周工作的那40个小时,一共就是8.7万个小时,将近整整10年的时间 。”
So I don't wanna leave you with the impression that Frank Lloyd Wright's open office was perfect.
我不想给大家留下一种印象,让大家觉得说弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特的开放式办公室就尽善尽美了 。
His custom-designed three legged chairs turned out to be kind of unstable, and they were eventually replaced.
他定制设计的三脚椅后来被发现有点不稳定,所以后来就给换掉了 。