"We have had a bird from Old Wyk. Dagmer is bringing the Drumms and Stonehouses.
If the god grants us good winds, we will sail when they arrive... or you will.
I mean for you to strike the first blow, Theon. You shall take eight longships north—"
"Eight?" His face reddened. "What can I hope to accomplish with only eight longships?"
"You are to harry the Stony Shore, raiding the fishing villages and sinking any ships you chance to meet.
It may be that you will draw some of the northern lords out from behind their stone walls.
Aeron will accompany you, and Dagmer Cleftjaw."
"May the Drowned God bless our swords," the priest said.
Theon felt as if he'd been slapped. He was being sent to do reaver's work,
burning fishermen out of their hovels and raping their ugly daughters,
and yet it seemed Lord Balon did not trust him sufficiently to do even that much.
Bad enough to have to suffer the Damphair's scowls and chidings.
With Dagmer Cleftjaw along as well, his command would be purely nominal.
"Asha my daughter," Lord Balon went on, and Theon turned to see that his sister had slipped in silently,
"you shall take thirty longships of picked men round Sea Dragon Point.