Voice 1: For many people, face blindness feels like a heavy load that they must carry. They feel alone. They know that they are not normal. But they often do not know why. A face blind person may just think that she is very forgetful. Cecelia grew up face blind. But she never knew the name of her condition. Discovering that she had a real medical condition made Cecelia feel like this heavy load was lifted off her shoulders. She wants other people to feel this kind of freedom too. So she continues to spread information about face blindness in any way she can.
声音1:对许多人来说,脸盲症就像是他们必须承受的沉重负担 。他们感觉很孤独 。他们知道自己不正常 。但他们往往并不知道原因 。脸盲症患者可能只是认为自己很健忘 。西西莉亚伴随着脸盲症长大 。但她从来不知道她所患疾病的名称 。发现自己真的患病,令西西莉亚感觉自己肩上的重担被卸下了 。她希望其他人也能有这种自由的感觉 。因此,她坚持尽其所能地来传播脸盲症的相关信息 。
Voice 2: Doctor Richard Russell researches face blindness. He says that research for this condition is just beginning. And the most important thing is to keep telling more people about it.
声音2:理查德·罗塞尔医生研究脸盲症 。他表示,这种疾病的研究才刚刚开始 。最重要的是让更多人知道这种疾病 。
Voice 6: "There are not any treatments for face blindness. Right now we are ... trying to understand what face blindness is. We are trying to tell more people about it — doctors and the public."
声音6:脸盲症没有任何治疗方法 。目前我们正在试图了解脸盲症的具体情况 。我们正试图让更多人知道这种疾病,包括医生和公众在内 。