Voice 3: "Once, around mid-day, I met my mother while walking down the street. I did not recognize her. We walked towards each other. We passed within a meter of each other. The sidewalk was not busy. The only way I know this happened is that she told me about it that night. She was not happy about this incident. And she has never forgiven me for it!"
声音3:“有一次,时间大约是中午,我在街上漫步时遇到了我母亲 。我没有认出她 。我们向彼此走去 。我们相距不到一米 。当时人行道上人并不多 。我唯一能知道发生这种事的方法是,她在当天晚上告诉了我 。她对这件事感到不高兴 。她从来没有原谅过我!”
Voice 1: Bill suffers from prosopagnosia, or face blindness. For someone who does not suffer from face blindness, this condition can be hard to understand. In fact, until a few years ago, there were only a few reported cases. But face blindness may be more common than you think. Recent studies suggest that one in every fifty people may have some form of face blindness. What is this condition? Why does it happen? Are you face blind? Today's Spotlight is on face blindness.
声音1:比尔患有面容失认症,或称脸盲症 。对没有脸盲症的人来说,这种疾病可能很难理解 。事实上,直到几年以前,这种病的报告病例也只有几例 。但脸肓症可能比你想象的更常见 。最近的研究表明,每50人中就可能有1人患有某种形式的脸盲症 。这是什么样的疾病?为什么会这样?你脸盲吗?今天的重点报道节目就聚焦脸盲症 。