Voice 1: Jenny has many good ideas about education. Teachers are very important. But often, there is not enough money for education. This can cause the problems that she describes. Teachers who continue to work in these situations are heroes. But Jenny goes on to write about the many good things of this job:
声音1:珍妮在教育方面有很多不错的想法 。教师非常重要 。但是,教育资金经常出现短缺 。这可能导致她描述的问题 。在这种情况下仍坚持工作的教师都是英雄 。不过,珍妮也谈到了这份工作的美好一面 。
Voice 4: "But on the other side, we have love and affection of a lot of students - we consider them like our children because we are with them every day. We help them with English, but the most important thing we teach is how to be a good person, a good citizen, a good son."
声音4:“但在另一方面,我们喜爱学生,我们将学生视为自己的孩子,我们和他们朝夕相处 。我们帮助他们学习英语,最重要的是,我们要教会他们如何成为好人、好公民和好孩子 。”
Voice 2: We hope that all teachers feel this way!
Jenny also gives us the topic for our hodgepodge:
Voice 4: "In my country, the teacher's day is on April 13, because we remember a special teacher - Juan Montalvo. He was a great writer and teacher."
声音4:“我们国家的教师节是4月13日,因为我们要纪念一名特别的老师——胡安·蒙特福 。他是一名伟大的作家,同时也是一名伟大的教师 。”