日期:2020-04-16 17:36



The film has an incredible cast and Post Malone makes his acting debut in the movie. He does a wonderful job.
这部电影的卡司很强 这是波兹·马龙首次演电影 他演得很棒
Here he is here. Now, Iliza you didn't have scenes with post Malone but you insisted on getting this photo.
看看这个帅小伙 伊利亚你和波斯特·马龙没有对手戏 但你坚持要拍这张照片
I know he is post Malone. I knocked on his trailer and he was nice and i asked for a picture
我知道 他是波兹·马龙 我去他的拖车找他 他很友好 我想拍张照片
and in this photo i look like his single mom realtor and proud of my rap son's career. He is a rapper.
在这张照片里 我看起来就像他的单身母亲 司职房地产经纪人 并为我的说唱儿子的职业生涯感到自豪 他是个说唱歌手
You do. Post Malone's obviously known for his tattoos. Mark, you've had yours removed over the years. How many tattoos have you ever removed?
是的 波斯特·马龙的纹身很出名 马克 这几年你把自己的纹身去除了 你曾经去掉多少个纹身
I had like eight or nine. All the way around my neck, stomach, back, arms, legs.
八九个吧 脖子上 胃上 后背 胳膊上 腿上都有
What made you want get them removed? Maturity. Sensibility.
为什么你要把纹身去掉 成熟 理性
Did you pull post Malone aside and go listen? Yes, I have, he's now added more to his face and it's not the same as sitting down,
你有没有把波兹·马龙拉到一边和他说 有啊 他现在又在脸上搞了更多纹身
having a couple beers and you can fall asleep and all of a sudden you wake up and it's one and down.
这跟喝两杯小酒睡一觉就过去了 不一样
It's like it took me five years to get the tattoos removed and it's dreadfully painful.
我花了五年的时间才把纹身去掉 非常疼
Does it hurt more taking them off than when you getting them done?
1,000 percent more, it's like hot bacon grease getting flicked on you over and over
疼1000倍 就像热熏肉的油脂在你身上一遍又一遍的涂抹




Hopefully they'll, delicious, develop the technology more and more.
但愿他们会 美味 技术越来越好
But when i get it done i try to get it down before i shot The Fighter.
但是当我去纹身的时候 我想在拍斗士这个电影之前搞定
And the dermatologist told me five to seven visits and it was five to seven years and i went once a month.
皮肤科医生告诉我去五到七次就可以了 结果是五到七年 我一个月得去一次
I told Malone, I said it's going to be a lot of Bud Lights trying to get those things off of you.
我告诉马龙 我说 你要把这些纹身搞掉是非常费酒的
What's he say? He says what every kid says, when I said I got my tattoos, no, no, no, they all have meaning i'll keep them forever
他怎么回答的 他会说年轻人都会说的话 我告诉他们我把纹身去掉时 他们就说不不不 它们都有意义 我会永远保留它们
but then you realize now pushing 40, i got to do something about it.
然后你发现自己快40岁了 我得采取一些行动了
I feel like face tattoos are like motorcycles were, like it just to be just for gangsters and now even your dad has one.
我感觉脸上的纹身就像摩托车 以前就是匪帮才有的东西 现在甚至你爸爸都有了
We'll be right back with more "the late late show."
稍后回来 更多精彩
