Voice 2: These connections can form for any language. Every language is made up of a particular group of sounds. A baby's brain can hear hundreds of different language sounds. This is more sounds than in any one normal language. Whenever a baby hears a new sound, the cells in his brain connect. But, he usually hears his native language the most. The connections for his native language get stronger and stronger. And connections for other languages get weaker and weaker.
声音2:任何语言都可以形成这种连接 。每种语言都由一组特定的声音组成 。婴儿的大脑能听到数百种不同的语言声音 。这些声音比任何一种正常语言都要多 。每当婴儿听到一种新声音时,他大脑中的细胞就会连接起来 。但是,他通常母语听得最多 。这样一来他母语的连接就会越来越强 。而其他语言的连接则会越来越弱 。
Voice 1: Experts say that most of a child's language connections stop forming around age ten. They say that after age ten, a person will have a more difficult time learning a language. His brain has already formed connections with his first, or native, language.
声音1:专家表示,大多数儿童的语言连接在10岁左右停止 。他们表示,10岁以后,人们学习语言的难度会增大 。他的大脑已经和他的第一个语言或者说母语形成了连接 。