Five, you're a good mediator.
5. 你是个很好的调解人 。
Highly sensitive people make for excellent mediators thanks to their great conflict resolution skills, Sand, 2016.
高度敏感的人是优秀的调解人,这要归功于他们出色的解决冲突的能力 。——2016,Sand 。
HSPs always seek to maintain positive harmonious relationships with others,
and confrontational situations make them uncomfortable.
而对抗的环境会让他们感到不舒服 。
Because they're such empathetic listeners, they're often able to bridge the gap between two conflicting parties.
因为他们是富有同情心的倾听者,他们经常能够在两个冲突的党派之间架起一座桥梁 。
This also makes them good team players and decision makers.
这也使他们成为优秀的团队成员和决策者 。
Six, you're creative.
6. 很有创造性 。
Studies have found that creativity is closely associated with being a highly sensitive person.
研究发现,创造力与高敏感密切相关 。
This is likely because most HSPs are visionaries who have a rich inner world of their own.
这可能是因为大多数HSPs都有自己丰富的内心世界 。
Since you experience both negative and positive emotions on such a deep level,
this kind of intensity lends itself well to creative self-expression,
be it through painting, writing, designing, filmmaking, photography, and such.
其方式有绘画、写作、设计、拍电影、拍照等等 。
Even if you're not an artist yourself, you're likely to have a good appreciation of art.
即便你本身不是艺术家,你也有不错的艺术鉴赏能力 。
Seven, you're passionate.
7. 你充满激情 。
To the uneducated, emotional sensitivity can look a lot like overreacting.
对于没有受过教育的人来说,情感上的敏感很像反应过度 。
Other people might dismiss you as nothing more than a wishy-washy daydreamer or a romantic,
but in truth there's so much more to you than that.
但事实上不仅仅如此而已 。
Because you're an HSP, you seek to live life authentically and wholeheartedly.
因为你是一名HSP,你寻求过真实的全心全意的生活 。
This vulnerability is what gives you the passion to pour your heart and soul into everything you do.
正是这个弱点给了你激情,让你全身心投入到你做的每一件事中 。
Eight, you value integrity.
8. 重视诚信 。
Most HSPs are guided by their values and personal principles.
大多数HSPs以他们的价值观和个人原则为指导 。
They have a strong sense of right and wrong, and they believe in ideals of fairness and morality.
他们有强烈的是非感,他们相信公平和道德 。
If you're an HSP, you most likely feel uncomfortable with anything that's overly aggressive, violent or demeaning.
如果你是一名HSP,你很可能会对任何过度挑衅、暴力或贬低的事情感到不舒服 。
So you can't stand injustice. You value integrity and pride yourself in your character, which is an admirable trait.
所以你不能忍受不公 。你重视正直和自尊,这是令人钦佩的品质 。
Nine, you live life to the fullest.
9. 你活得充实 。
No HSP will ever live out their days half asleep. Being an HSP means being present and living in the moment.
HSP不会在半睡半醒中度过一生 。成为一名HSP意味着活在当下 。
Because you're so sensitive, you're most likely careful not to overstimulate yourself
and be overloaded with thoughts, feelings and sensations. This allows you to take things at your own pace.
不让自己被过多的想法、感觉和情绪压得喘不过气来 。这可以让你按照自己的节奏做事 。
And, in turn, you remind those around you that it's okay to slow down every once in a while
and just enjoy everything life has to offer. And 10, you're one of a kind.
享受生活给予你的一切 。10. 你是独一无二的 。
Last, but certainly not least, being a highly sensitive person means that you are special.
最后,成为一个高度敏感的人意味着你是特别的 。
There may be someone out there who can't understand what it's like to be like you and see the world through your eyes.
也许有些人无法理解像你一样通过眼睛看世界是什么样子 。
But know that you uniqueness is not your weakness. Being a highly sensitive person is a gift, granted only to a rare few,
但是要知道你的独特性并不是你的弱点 。成为一个高度敏感的人是一种天赋,只给予极少数人,
and it's part of what makes you extraordinary. In fact, only one in every five people have this particular personality trait.
这也是你与众不同的部分原因 。实际上,只有五分之一的人有这种独特的性格特质 。
So now that you know all of this, you'll probably gain a newfound appreciation for highly sensitive people.
所以现在你知道了所有这些,你可能会对高敏感的人有新的认识 。
Those who are emotionally gifted are often gentle, nurturing souls who have an incredible capacity for kindness,
empathy, creativity, compassion and spirit. So revel in what makes you different.
同理心、创造力、同情心和精神 。所以尽情享受让你与众不同的东西吧 。
Sensitivity is a gift, and there's so many wonderful ways you can use it to help yourself and those around you.
敏感是一种天赋,你可以用它来帮助你自己和你周围的人 。
Do you identify as an HSP? Does anyone around you fall into that category? Have you ever interacted with an HSP?
If you've answered yes to any of these questions, you'll know that what sets them apart is what makes them stronger.
如果是,那么你就会知道是什么让他们与众不同,是什么让他们更强大 。
We should allow everyone the opportunity to enjoy their uniquenesses and make it their strength, rather than be a disadvantage.
我们应该让每个人都有机会享受自己的独特,让它们成为一种优势而非劣势 。
Labeling or stigmatizing those slightly different than us is in no way fair. We should encourage and nourish all diversity.
给那些与我们稍有不同的人贴上标签或打上烙印是不公平的 。
Also, remember to share this with someone you think might benefit from it, as well.
还有,要记得把本片分享给你认为可能会从中受益的人 。
Don't forget to click the like button and subscribe for more content. And, as always, thanks for watching.
不要忘记点赞订阅我们的频道 。一如既往,感谢收看 。