Person committed to excellence focuses on the half full part of the glass.
追求卓越的人 则会专注于已经满的那半个杯子
How? Because he or she enjoys getting to where he or she is going
为什么 因为他或她既享受达成目标
but also learns to enjoy every step of the way-the journey, even failure is an opportunity.
又学会享受过程中的每一步 那就是旅途 即便是失败也能是机遇
Person com...A perfectionist over generalizes, catastrophizes.
完美主义者会过度一般化 夸大化问题
It's all or nothing. Either I'm perfect, or I'm a failure.
非黑即白 我要么是完美的 要么一无是处
And we'll see the consequences in a minute of this "all or nothing" approach.
我们等一下就能看到 这样的“全部或没有”的对立于现实的方法
Versus realistic. Again, realizing what reality looks like, what progress in essence looks like.
造成的后果 我们又谈到了 明白现实是什么样的 明白事物的过程是怎么样的
For perfectionist, there is no self-acceptance. A person committed to excellence-
对于完美主义者来说 是没有自我接受的 对于追求卓越的人来说
there is acceptance first of all of reality as comprising spirals rather than a straight line.
能够接受现实中存在的各种弯路 而没有一步登天的捷径
Acceptance of personal failure and the acceptance of the self as a whole.
能够接受个人的失败 能够将自己视作一个整体予以接受
Perfectionist-there is one way and that's the highway.
对完美主义者来说 只有一种方式是合适的
It is a static. There is no improvization; there is no deviation; there is no trial and error.
并且是固定不变的 没有任何提升的空间 也没有丝毫偏离 更没有问题和错误
There is just one way in contrast to having much more dynamic, flexible process and journey,
只有一种方式 而不是更为动态性的 更有弹性
with much more sponetaneity, which manifests itself of course in behaviors.
与自发性的过程与旅途 在行为中自我证实
A perfectionist is terrified to failure-terrified that failure from within
完美主义者恐惧失败 恐惧来自于内心的
that he or she perceives themselves as failures but also that others see him or her as a failure.
自己将自己视为失败者的失败 也恐惧他人将自己视为失败者