And when we frustrate a psychological, physical need, we pay a price for it, whether it's the need for recovery or the need for physical exercise, or the need for certain vitamins or protein.
如果我们违背心理或生理需求 就会为此付出代价 无论是需要休整 需要身体锻炼 还是需要某种维生素或蛋白质
We pay a price for it. And the key is, to introduce these natural recovery periods into our lives. And here is the key. The key is focus. Focus on both work as well as recovery.
我们会为此付出代价 关键是将这种本能的休整期引入我们的生活 关键就是集中注意 同时关注工作与休整
So remember the question that we asked before break. What makes some individuals succeed despite living in a modern world or living with ambition and success?
想一下我们节前提出的问题 处于相同的现代社会 拥有相似的雄心壮志 为什么有些人能获得成功?
Well these individuals know how to focus when they work, when they play. To use a cliché, they work hard and they play hard.
他们知道何时聚焦工作 何时聚焦玩乐 套句老话 他们努力工作玩得开心
What does that mean specifically? First of all, in recovery. They understand that quantity affects quality.
具体是什么意思呢?首先 要休整 他们明白多则劣 少则精
Let me share with you a study that you read about in the book. This is by Nobel Prize winner, the Israeli psychologist Daniel Kahneman. Won Nobel prize for economics, turned positive psychologist.
我们来看一下诺贝尔奖得主 以色列心理学家丹尼尔·卡尼曼进行的一项研究 他曾获得诺贝尔经济学奖 后来成为了积极心理学家
What he wanted to understand was the affective, the emotional experiences of women during the day. And what he did was ask women to evaluate their experiences right after they had that particular experience: so what was it like for you?
他希望研究一天内妇女的情感感情经历 他让一些妇女在经历了某些特定事件后对此经历做出评估:刚才的感觉怎么样