第11期:Lady Gaga最不能忍受的事(1)
日期:2019-12-27 17:37



And here we are, how are you today? I'm great, how are you? I'm very excited to be here.
我们到了I2LK6cNym!。Lady Gaga,你今天感觉怎么样?我很好,你感觉怎么样呢?我很高兴来到这里
And how do you prefer I call you, lady? Lady Gaga? Call me lady.
你希望我怎么称呼你,lady还是lady Gaga?叫我lady吧
Okay. Lady, what's something unreal that's happened this month? The trailer for A Stars Born was released. Okay.
And what's something you're proud to say is now behind you? You know all the negative stuff that happens in your 20s.
It's a colorful patio. How do you start your day? I start my day with a nice workout and then I take a shower or a long hot bath.
Lady, how many times have you been on the cover of Vogue? Two times? Three times? I have no idea. You should ask Vogue that question.
What have you read in the press about yourself that made you laugh?
Ah, that I'm from Yonkers and not Manhattan. What's the strangest rumor you've everheard about yourself?
That I have a penis. And what's the one thing you've read that is a hundred percent correct?
It is a hundred percent correct that I love authentic people. Is it true? You watch horror movies to relax? True.
Where does inspiration often strike for you?
Well, I find inspiration in all sorts of places. In the minute that I see it, I grab it, and I
run for the piano or I run for my typewriter. So difficult to write music at this moment?
No. It's not, it's actually been fantastic writing music.
Do you have to be in love to write a good love song?
I would say that it is good to be in love to write a love song or have to have been in love at one point,
but it's also interesting there's a lot of music in history that was written by people that have never been in love.
Do the same rules apply for sad songs? No. I think… I think that there's no rules when it comes to making music.
What's your most nostalgic memory from New York City? The most nostalgic memory… going to bars with my friends.
Alright, can you describe New York City in three adjectives? Gritty, fun and bright. What was the best year in that city?
The best year? For me? 2007, when I was 21. What was the best night you've ever had there?
I couldn't name just one, I had too many great nights. What's the best memory you have about Elton John?
My best memorys with Elton are when I'm hanging out with him and my god children, and David, his husband.
Is it true you wear a hat every day? I do not wear a hat every single day. I did during the album cycle of Joanne.
What is the best advice you have ever received? From Tony Bennett through Duke Ellington.


Lady Gaga


Number one, never give up. Number two, remember never not listen to number one. Very wise words.
What would you like to be remembered for? I would like to be remembered for the message behind Born This Way.
I would like to be remembered for believing that people are equal, I would like to be remembered for being courageous and different.
Was there ever a moment where you really felt like you made it? When I heard Just Dance on the radio for the first time in Canada.
Do you feel like there's pressure for you to constantly being on? I don't know I don't really know what being on means.
Lady, can you show me a hidden talent? No. What's your biggest pet peeve? When people ask me what my hidden talents are.
I'll show you when I'm ready. Okay, fair enough. And where are my manners? I'm standing here, not giving you this gift.
Thank you, that's so kind of you. You are Bowie's fan, right? Yeah, I love David Bowie. Great. Just gonna go back over here.
Thank you so much. That's so nice. You're welcome. Now, what's the place in the world that always makes you feel safe?
The Lower East Side in Manhattan. What's your greatest inspiration? People. Is there something you would still like to do?
There's so much I would still like to do. I just want to keep on dreaming. What set the Super Bowl apart for you as a performance?
It was a milestone performance for me. I felt it really marked the decade of the first ten years of my career,
and it felt like the fans performed the Super Bowl, not me. It was really for them. Now beyond a Super Bowl,
what's a performance or a dream gig that you love to do?
I'm dreaming up playing in big years and I haven't done that yet but I will be this coming winter.
What other duet would you love to do one day besides Tony? More Tony, More Elton and Stevie Wonder.
Is it true you own Michael Jackson's Thriller jacket? I do own one thriller jacket.
How do you spend your downtime when you're on the road? I like hanging out with my girlfriends.
What's your favorite song to cover? Oh, I love to cover so many different songs. Many from the Great American Songbook, and also classics.
From now, so right now, I just recently covered your song by Elton John. I love that. What's the song that you would love to cover?
I have sang it live, but I have never recorded what a difference a day makes. It's a great song. Okay, you're at karaoke.
What are you gonna pick? I'm Joe Bocelli and Celine Dion the prayer. Do you prefer a crowd of 300 people or 30,000? Both.
你要点什么歌?安德烈·波切利和席琳·迪翁合唱的歌曲《The prayer》orE(Wn%2j)(q[97[-。你更喜欢300人的还是3万人的观众群体?两者皆喜欢
