March 29th, 1951. In New York, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are convicted of conspiracy
to commit espionage for passing nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union.
因向苏联泄露核机密而被判犯有间谍罪 。
They die in the electric chair two years later, the first American civilians to be executed for espionage.
两年后,他们死在电椅上,成为第一个因间谍罪被处决的美国平民 。
1971. Army Lieutenant William Calley Jr. is convicted of murdering Vietnamese civilians in the My Lai Massacre during the Vietnam War.
1971年,陆军中尉威廉·卡利因在越战期间美莱村屠杀中谋杀越南平民而被判有罪 。
Correspondent Morgan Batty: "The charges, at least 22 unarmed and unresisting South Vietnamese men, women and children were slain at My Lai in 1968."
记者摩根·巴蒂:“1968年,在美莱村,至少22名手无寸铁的南越男子、妇女和儿童被杀 。”
Calley ends up serving three and a half years under house arrest at his quarters at Fort Benning, Georgia.
卡利因最终在佐治亚州本宁堡的住处被软禁了三年半 。
1973. The last U.S. combat troops leave South Vietnam ending America's direct military role in the Vietnam War.
1973年,美国最后一批作战部队离开南越,结束了美国在越南战争中的直接军事角色 。
Two years later, South Vietnam, including its capital Saigon, falls to North Vietnamese forces.
两年后,包括其首都西贡在内的南越落入北越军队之手 。
And 2005. Attorney Johnnie Cochran dies in Los Angeles at age 67.
2005年,约翰尼·柯克伦律师在洛杉矶去世,年67岁 。
Cochran was best known for his successful and controversial defense of O.J. Simpson during his murder trial.
柯克伦最出名的是在辛普森谋杀案审判期间,为其进行了成功且具争议的辩论 。
Today in History, March 29th, Sandy Kozel, the Associated Press.
以上是3月29日《历史上的今天》,美联社桑迪·科泽尔为您播报 。