Voice 1: No one really knows how human babies learn language. Experts do know that communication is an important part of human development. And they know that babies learn and understand their first language quickly. Children listen to the speech of their parents, brothers and sisters, and other family and community members. They try to make sounds of their own. They even try to form the words they hear. But many experts agree that listening is not the only way that children learn a language. So, how do babies learn to speak? That is the question that the Human Speechome Project is trying to answer.
声音1:没有人知道人类婴儿是如何学习语言的 。专家知道交流是人类发展的重要组成部分 。他们知道婴儿能快速地学习并理解他们的母语 。儿童会聆听父母、兄弟姐妹、其他家人和社区成员的语言 。然后他们会试图自己发声 。他们甚至会试图将听到的话组织成话语 。但许多专家一致认为,听并不是儿童学习语言的唯一方式 。那婴儿到底是如何学会说话的?这正是人类家庭语言计划试图解开的谜题 。