This is reference man.
这是参考人 。
He’s a white, 30-year-old, male who weighs about 155 pounds.
他是白人,30岁,男性,体重约155磅(70kg) 。
And he decides how we live.
是他决定了我们的生活方式 。
For decades, industries have considered this the standard human and designed the world around him.
几十年来,各行各业一直是以他为标准的人类来设计这个世界的 。
Everything from air conditioning in offices, to cars, even military equipment.
But there are other ways we use reference man, that aren’t so obvious.
然而,还有一些用到参考人的领域是不那么显而易见的 。
Like in medicine, where it doesn’t just lead to discomfort.
比如医学领域,而在这个领域,这种做法不止是会带来不适 。
Here, the disparity can be incredibly dangerous for women.
在这个领域,和标准人之间的差异对女性而言是极其危险的差异 。
A few years ago, something strange was happening.
几年前就发生了一件怪事 。
Headline after headline recounted a similar story.
Dozens of women were crashing their cars, under the influence of sleeping pills.
数十名女性服用安眠药后发生了车祸 。
In many of these cases, they had taken a dose of Zolpidem, the night before.
她们中有很多人都在前一天晚上服用了一剂唑吡坦 。
It’s what you probably know as the common sleep aid, Ambien.
你可能知道这种常用的安眠药,因为它又叫安必恩 。
The problem wasn’t entirely the drug itself — it was the dosage.
问题并不全出在药本身上,还跟剂量有关 。
Women and men were both prescribed ten milligrams of the drug for eight hours of sleep.
为了让他们睡够8小时,医生给女士和男士开的这种药的剂量都是10毫克 。
But it turns out, women metabolize the active ingredient in Ambien twice as slowly as men.
但事实证明,女性代谢安必恩中的活性成分的速度只有男性的一半 。
That means by the time men woke up the next day, the effects of the pill had usually worn off.
这就意味着男性第二天醒来的时候,药效通常都消失了 。
While for many women, the drug was still in their system.
而对许多女性来说,这种药还在她们体内 。
After the crashes, the Food and Drug Administration issued a safety warning in 2013
and changed the recommended dosage for women, cutting it in half.
并调整了对女性的建议剂量,减到了原来的一半 。
The reason the right dosage for women had been overlooked is that the clinical trials on Ambien focused on male test subjects.
女性服用的正确剂量之所以被忽视,是因为安必恩的临床试验观察的主要是男性受试者 。
"If they're using this hypothetical 'average man' and they are basing dosage on it, that's kind of scary.
“如果他们用的是这个‘标准人’,并以他为基础计算剂量的话,那就有点可怕了 。
Not just because it doesn't apply to women, but because it also doesn't apply to a lot of men neither."
不仅是因为这样的剂量不适用于女性,也因为它同样不适用于许多男性 。”
There are several factors that can affect how a person metabolizes drugs, from size, to body fat, to hormonal fluctuations.
影响一个人对药物的代谢功能的因素是多方面的,身材,体脂率,激素的波动等等 。
And these factors can vary drastically based on sex.
这些因素会因性别出现显著的不同 。
But many clinical trials don’t account for this.
但许多临床试验并没有考虑到这一点 。
They often don’t include enough women as test subjects.
他们在测试的时候通常都没有纳入足够的女性受试者 。
And even when they do, data from women is often mixed in with data from men, which can hide sex-specific reactions to medicine.
即便是纳入了足够的女性受试者,也经常将女性受试者的数据和男性的混在一起,导致跟性别有关的药物反应差异被忽视 。
"I don't care that it's more effective for men.
“我不在乎这个药对男性更管用 。
I just want to know, is it going to be effective for me as a woman.
我只想知道,作为一个女人,这种药对我是否管用 。
So you don’t know that unless you look separately at those groups."
所以,除非你把男性和女性分开考察,否则你没办法知道这个问题的答案 。
Take, Acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol.
以泰诺的核心成分扑热息痛为例 。
It’s flushed from a woman’s body slower than in men,
so the prescribed dosage can put women at more risk for potential overdose and liver failure.
所以,在之前规定的剂量下,女性面临服药过量和肝功能衰竭的风险会更大 。
And one heart medication that’s supposed to prevent heart attacks may actually trigger one in women.
而一种用来预防心脏病发作的药物实际上反而有可能引发女性的心脏病 。
"So we know that this is still a problem, but it’s so hard to know how often that happens because there’s no research.
“所以,虽然我们知道这个问题至今依然没有解决,却又很难弄清楚这样的事究竟有多频繁,因为没有人研究啊 。
If the companies did a better job of looking at men and women separately and studying them separately,
I think we’d have a lot more dosages that are different for women and men."
我们肯定会有多得多的男女剂量不同的药物 。”
In 1993, the National Institutes of Health created regulations,
saying women must be included in human studies and have their data analyzed separately.
要求必须将女性纳入人体研究,并对她们的数据进行单独分析 。
But the problem is..."It’s the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration,
that’s making the decisions about what medications are being sold to you and to your loved ones
and they are not required to include women, people of color, people over 65.
但有关方面没有要求他们将女性,有色人种以及65岁以上的老人纳入他们的实验范围 。
You know, if you're only studying white men, you don't have to study as many people.
你懂的,如果你只研究白人,那你就不需要研究那么多人 。
And the more people you study, the more it costs to do the research.
因为你研究的人越多,研究的成本就越高 。
But, the more meaningful the information is.
但你获取的信息的意义也就更大 。
So that we can all make informed decisions about what’s good for us."
这样,我们就都能清楚地知道怎么做对我们才有益 。”