日期:2019-12-02 11:17


The man with the torch searched around under the trees. "Are you the last? Baker boy said there was a girl."
"She ran off when she heard you coming," Lommy said. "You made a lot of noise." And Arya thought, Run, Weasel, run as far as you can, run and hide and never come back.
"Tell us where we can find that whoreson Dondarrion, and there'll be a hot meal in it for you."
"Who?" said Lommy blankly.
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"I told you, this lot don't know no more than those cunts in the village. Waste o'bloody time."
One of the spearmen drifted over to Lommy. "Something wrong with your leg, boy?"
"It got hurt."
"Can you walk?" He sounded concerned.
"No," said Lommy. "You got to carry me."
"Think so?" The man lifted his spear casually and drove the point through the boy's soft throat. Lommy never even had time to yield again. He jerked once, and that was all. When the man pulled his spear loose, blood sprayed out in a dark fountain. "Carry him, he says," he muttered, chuckling.

  • fountainn. 喷泉,源泉,储水容器,泉水 v. 使像喷泉一样流
  • yieldn. 生产量,投资收益 v. 生产,屈服,投降,弯下去,
  • spearn. 矛(正负电子对撞机) vt 用矛刺
  • concernedadj. 担忧的,关心的