Latest headlines for you from BBC news,
Mr. Trump has again dismissed the impeachment inquiry against him after the first public hearings in Washington,
claiming it was all based on third-hand information, he claimed to journalists he hadn't seen a minute of the proceedings.
声称这些都是基于第三手信息,他对记者表示,他没有看听证过程 。
Mr. Trump is accused of withholding aid from Ukraine to pressure its new leader into investigating Mr. Trump's political rival Joe Biden.
。The US president has been holding talks with the Turkish leadership Recep Tayyip Erdogan, he called the discussions wonderful and productive.
美国总统正与土耳其领导人埃尔多安举行会谈,他称这次会谈很好且富有成果 。
Mr. Trump insisted that he'd done the right thing by withdrawing American troops from northern Syria,
even though it led to a Turkish military onslaught against longtime American allies the Kurds.
尽管这导致土耳其军队对美国长期盟友库尔德人发动了猛攻 。
British voters have been urged not to give up on stopping Brexit by the outgoing European Council President Donald Tusk,
he said leaving the EU would leave the UK a second-rate player, and breaks it would likely mark the real end of the British Empire.
他说,英国离开欧盟将成为二流国家,脱欧可能标志着大英帝国的真正终结 。