Pilgrims come from all over the world to get tattooed in the Holy Land from the old stamps.
有很多朝圣之人不辞辛劳,从世界各地赶过来,就为了在这片圣地上纹一个古老的纹身 。
Some of those stamps are older than the United States,
and they were passed down in my family from one generation to another.
而且是我们家代代相传的 。
I am Wasim Razzouk, and I am the 27th generation of the oldest tattooing family in the world.
我是瓦西姆·拉祖克,我是世界上最古老的纹身家族的第27代传人 。
This Great Big Story is inspired by Genesis.
感谢捷恩斯对本期“伟大的故事”的大力支持 。
The cross tattoo on the wrist is the ultimate proof of pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
手腕上的十字架纹身是到圣城耶路撒冷朝过圣的终极证明 。
They are now reborn Christians; they are proud of their journey that they have done.
纹了这个纹身,大家就是重生过后的基督徒了;大家都很自豪完成了这一旅程 。
When they understand the history and our lineage, they wanna be tattooed by us.
了解了历史和我们的家系之后,客人们就想让我们给他们纹 。
I learned tattooing from my father, who learned it from his father.
我是从我父亲那里学的这门手艺,他又是从他父亲那里学的 。
My son is the 28th generation.
我儿子已经是第28代传人了 。
My family were doing tattoos in Egypt just like mine here, a small, little cross on the wrist.
我们家以前是在埃及做纹身生意的,纹的是我手腕这个地方纹的这种小十字架 。
When they came to the Holy Land, 500 years ago,
they discovered a tradition where Christians would get a tattoo as a mark of the pilgrimage.
发现了这边的一个传统,那就是,基督徒都会纹一个纹身作为朝圣的标志 。
So my family decided to stay here and continue this tradition.
我的家人便决定留在这里延续这个传统 。
"Your stamp is 500 years old, guaranteed. All right, Okay."
“你选的这个图案已经有500年的历史了,妥妥的500年 。知道了吧,那我们开始吧 。”
Among the tools that we have in the family that has been passed down are beautiful, old, wooden stamps that are hundreds of years old.
我们家族传下来的纹身工具中有一些非常漂亮也非常古老的木制图案,都已经用了几百年了 。
And those stamps are very simple, just outlined designs,
but very intricate, and very charming, and that's why a lot of people like them.
但都非常精致,非常可爱,所以很多客人都很喜欢 。
We get people from all over the world who come to get a tattoo out of a old, wooden stamp
that has touched so many pilgrims who have done the same journey that they are doing;
so they are becoming part of this history, part of this tradition, and part of this heritage.
所以,他们也成了这段历史的一部分,成了这一传统的一部分,这一遗产的一部分 。
What we're doing here is not a cosmetic tattoo;
it's a tattoo that has way more deeper meaning than the superficial skin.
我们的纹身的内涵要比它的外在深刻得多 。
They're actually reflecting what they have felt when they came to the Holy Land,
and now they want to reflect that on their skin.
他们希望把这种感受表达在他们的皮肤上 。
It's almost like baptism; it's almost like baptizing somebody, and that's a big responsibility.
我们纹这个纹身就像洗礼一样;就像给人施洗一样,所以,肩上的担子是很重的 。
At the same time, it's greatly satisfying to feel that you are that special person, that they want you to tattoo them.
与此同时,你也会觉得非常满足,因为你是他们希望给他们纹这个纹身的那个特别的人 。
It's for the tradition; it's for that special thing in their life that has happened to them that they want to be marked by you.
为了这项传统;也因为客人选择让你来给他们纹身,让你来见证他们生命中特别的一刻 。