Voice 2: Doctor Julie Gutman understands the dangers of schistosomiasis personally. She is working for health officials in Nigeria. She travels to villages to see how many children there have schistosomiasis. This is so that the Nigerian government can create treatment plans. One of the villages she visited was Fobur. She worked with the village leader there. First, they asked children to come for testing. Dr. Gutman needed children who were ten to fifteen years old.
声音2:朱莉·古特曼医生非常了解血吸虫病的危险 。她为尼日利亚的卫生官员工作 。她前往当地村庄了解有多少儿童患有血吸虫病 。然后尼日利亚政府才能制定治疗方案 。她走访的其中一座村庄是Fobur 。她与该村负责人合作进行调查 。首先,他们让儿童前来测试 。古特曼医生需要10到15岁的儿童 。
Voice 1: The test was simple. The children just needed to put their solid waste in a small container. In other villages, the children did not return the containers. The containers were so nice! So now Doctor Gutman gives the children a gift when they return the container.
声音1:测试非常简单 。儿童只需要将自已的粪便放在一个小型容器里 。此前在其他村庄进行测试时,儿童并没有交还容器 。因为这个容器非常好看!因此,现在古特曼医生会在儿童交还容器后给他们礼物 。