Saving Crop Diversity
Voice 1: Thank you for joining us for today's Spotlight. I'm Courtney Schutt.
声音1:谢谢大家收听重点报道节目,我是考特妮·舒特 。
Voice 2: And I'm Ryan Geertsma. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.
声音2:我是瑞安·吉尔兹玛 。重点报道节目用慢速英语的方式播报新闻 。便于全世界各地民众的理解 。
Voice 1: In July 2006, five leaders from five different nations joined together. They met on the islands of Svalbard Norway, just one thousand [1000] kilometres from the North Pole. They came together to lay the first stones of a new project - a large vault that will only hold seeds!
声音1:2006年7月,来自五个国家的五位领导人聚首 。他们在挪威斯瓦尔巴群岛会面,这里距离北极只有1000公里 。他们共同为一个新工程放置了首批石材,这个新工程是只储存种子的大型地窖!
Voice 2: Today's Spotlight is on “Noah's Ark of Svalbard.” It will hold all the seeds of all the world's crops.
声音2:今天的重点报道节目就聚焦“斯瓦尔巴群岛的诺亚方舟” 。这座地窖将储存世界各地的所有农作物种子 。