Social media can either be the best or the worst place.
社交媒体可以是最好也可以是最糟糕的地方 。
On the upside, it's a free encyclopedia we can get quick answers from.
好的是,媒体是一个免费的百科全书,你可以迅速从中得到答案 。
It helps us stay connected to friends and gives us pick-me-up quotes when we're struggling.
它帮助我们与朋友保持联系,并在我们困难时给我们打气 。
On the downside, we might experience fear of missing out or what is commonly known as FOMO.
不好的是,我们错过的恐惧或是所谓的错失恐惧症(FOMO) 。
We scroll through Instagram, Facebook and even YouTube,
look at other people's lives captured and sometimes think man why am I so boring
看到其他别人的生活片段,有时我们会想,天啊,为什么我这么无趣 。
The truth is you're probably not. Social media is often at a picture of people's best moments
事实上,你或许并不是无聊的人 。社交媒体经常呈现出人们最美好的时刻
and let me tell you being interesting means having substance not perfection.
让我告诉你,有趣意味着拥有内涵而不是变身完美 。
So want to learn how to captivate people and live the life you want? Here are 10 ways to be more interesting.
所以想要学习如何吸引别人,过自己想要的生活吗?以下是让你变得更加有趣的十种方法 。
1. Stop being lazy.
1. 停止懒惰 。
Oh man, laziness basically breeds boring.
天哪,懒惰会滋生无趣 。
If you expect others to always do the talking or entertain you, then you're sadly mistaken.
如果你期望别人来找你说话或取悦你,那么你就大错特错了 。
Think about it what does the world actually owe you why should they suddenly find you
creative, talented or inspiring when you aren't putting in the work to make that happen.
很创造力、有天赋或是很有灵感,你自己什么努力也没做啊 。
Instead of living your life passively, figure out what interests you and take up new hobbies,
you don't have to be great at something just curious and open-minded.
你不必在某些事情上做得很好,只要保持好奇和开放的心态就可以了 。
2. Do what scares you.
2. 做让你害怕的事情 。
If you only do what's predictable and familiar, it should be no surprise that you'll get that and return to.
如果你只做那些可以预见的和熟悉的事情,那么重回远点也就并不奇怪了 。
You don't have to necessarily do crazy big things like skydiving or constant traveling. We get it.
你不必做那些疯狂的壮举,比如跳伞或经常旅行 。我们都了解
Realistically our finances won't always match with our ideals
but start making a list of what you believe you'll regret not trying when you die.
但是开始列一张清单,列出你认为在你死后会后悔没做的事情 。
Often the change we're looking for lies outside our comfort zone
whether it's fear of failure, disappointment or change that holds you back.
不论是害怕失败、失望或是让你退缩的改变 。
Figure out what the root cause is and work through it with positive self-talk.
弄清楚根本原因并通过积极的自我对话来解决它 。
3. Care about what's happening in the world.
3. 关心世界上发生的事情 。
I don't blame you if you avoid watching the news.
如果你不看新闻,我也不会怪你 。
It can be downright depressing and who wants more negativity, right?
But there's a difference between being unaware and being in different.
但是但不知情和与众不同是有区别的 。
It's gonna sound so cliche but Gandhi was right: be the change you want to see in the world.
这听起来很老套,但甘地是对的:欲变世界,先变其身 。
If you're bored with your life or what's happening in your town, school or workplace,
take the initiative by creating proposals or getting involved.
那就采取主动,提出建议或参与其中 。
4. Be a good listener.
4. 成为一个好的听众 。
No one likes a chatterbox, so sharpen your listening skills and pay attention to people when they talk.
没人喜欢话痨,所以提高你的倾听技巧,在别人说话的时候注意听 。
You don't have to agree with everything they say but people appreciate it when you understand where they're coming from.
你不必同意对方说的每一句话,但当你仔细倾听时,他们会感激你的 。
Follow up with some open-ended questions instead of just nodding.
接着问一些开放式的问题,而不仅仅只是点头 。
This creates a healthy balance in the conversation in which the other individual will receive a good impression of you.
这会在谈话中创造一种健康的平衡,让对方对你有个好印象 。
5. Carry a notebook wherever you go.
5. 随身携带一个笔记本 。
You don't need to be the next New York Times bestseller or have your works be feature in a modern art museum
to be deemed artsy or innovative but recording observations can stimulate interesting thoughts.
或被认为具有艺术性或创新性,但将观察记录下来可以激发有趣的想法 。
Take a few minutes each day but jot down what you see, how you feel and what you've accomplished
whether you do this on the train ride home or during your lunch break at work
your notebook will collect all this and you can turn to it again when you need to revisited ideas.
你的笔记本将把这些都收集起来,并且当你需要重新审视自己的想法时,你可以再次翻开它 。
6. Come forth about your discoveries.
6. 说出你的发现 。
Let your guard down and share what you've learned.
放下你的戒心,分享你的经验 。
No one likes a success story unless it's jam-packed with failures, roadblocks and a bad decision every now and then.
没有人喜欢成功的故事,除非这个故事中充斥着失败、障碍和错误的决定 。
Those moments that you may beat yourself down over
are actually the essential ingredients that make you dynamic and give you depth.
实际上是必要的成分,它们使你充满活力,给你深度 。
Talk about the times you've been rejected and made mistakes
not only does it make you human but it helps others relate to you as well.
这样不仅让你更接地气,还能帮助别人与你建立联系 。
7. Consume new things.
7. 吸收新东西 。
If you're the type of person to only follow trends where you eat and do what everyone else is doing,
well, are you actually being more interesting or are you just being a follower?
Broaden your horizon and explore things outside of your location
You might discover music before it's a huge hit, unique clothing items and delicious recipes people will be dying to ask you for.
你可能会发现即将大卖的音乐、独特的服装和美味的食谱,并且其他人将迫不及待地向你询问这些 。
8. Avoid forming cliques.
8. 避免形成派系 。
We all want to belong somewhere, right?
But picking just one group to fit in will limit you from meeting people who can provide refreshing different perspectives.
但是只选择融入一个群体会限制你和其他人的接触,这些人也可以为你提供新鲜且不一样的视角 。
Don't be consumed by your social status and talk to people from all walks of life.
不要被你的社会地位所消耗,和各行各业的人交谈 。
Converse with elderly folk, children, teenagers and people with different backgrounds, religions, races, genders and hobbies.
与老人、儿童、青少年和不同背景、宗教、种族、性别和爱好的人交谈 。
Diversity is an amazing experience to embrace, that enriches your knowledge in life for the better.
多样性是一种值得拥抱的奇妙体验,它丰富了你的知识,让你的生活变得更好 。
9. Work hard towards your goals.
9. 朝自己的目标努力 。
It's ok to be discouraged every once in a while or even a lot, that's normal and to be expected.
偶尔或经常气馁都是没关系的,这些都是正常和可以预见的 。
But when you stay unmotivated and apathetic towards self-improvement, your lifestyle will only stay the same.
但当你一直对自我提升缺乏动力或兴趣时,你的生活方式也将保持不变 。
Being interesting doesn't necessarily translate to eating the healthiest foods or exercising until you get a six-pack
but when you become passionate and responsible about making certain things happen it makes you stand out.
但当你对某些事情充满热情和责任感时,你就会脱颖而出 。
Pace yourself, break your big goals into smaller ones and create a reasonable timeline, you can do it.
调整自己的步伐,把大目标分成小目标,制定一个合理的时间表,你就能做到的 。
10. Don't obsess and always try so hard.
10. 不要太执着,要一直努力 。
And anything we do in life, it's important to work hard
but don't do it to the point of burnout that only makes you counterproductive.
但不要做到筋疲力尽的地步,那只会让你适得其反 。
Sometimes less is more.
有时少即是多 。
You don't have to make big life changes in order to be interesting,
but allow progress to happen naturally and remember: above everything stay true to yourself.
让进步自然地发生,记住:最重要的是做真实的自己 。
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Step into his shoes as he walks through his life funny, authentic and down-to-earth.
跟随他,走过他有趣、真实又坚实的人生 。
You'll find yourself relating and laughing.
你会发现自己有所感触,一直在笑 。
If you also liked this video, be sure to give it a thumbs-up. As always thanks for watching.
如果你喜欢本期视频,一定要点赞 。一如既往感谢大家的观看 。