Emotions can be intense and overwhelming. When prolonged, these feelings can develop into anxiety and depression, blurring our judgement.
情绪可以是强烈且让人无所适从的 。长时间的持续会让这些情绪发展成为焦虑症或抑郁症,扰乱我们的判断力 。
This can affect the individual's ability to make decisions.
这可以影响个人做决定的能力 。
Unfortunately, when things feel like too much, the individual may develop unhealthy escapist tendencies, some of which involves self-harm.
不幸的是,当情绪堆积,人们可能会出现逃避现实的不健康倾向,其中一些人还会自残 。
This is considered a maladaptive coping strategy which only serves to continue the disorder rather than healing it.
自残被认为是一种适应不良的应对策略,这只会让自残行为持续而无法治愈它 。
According to Mental Health America, roughly 15 percent of teens and adolescents have reported committing self-injury.
美国心理健康组织表示,15%的十几岁少年和青春期少年称有过自我伤害行为 。
If you believe someone may be self-harming, we pray that things will get better for them and encourage you to help them.
如果你认为某人可能存在自残行为,那么我们祈祷一切都会变得更好,也鼓励你去帮助他们 。
In our description box below, we've provided some resources that may come in handy such as the crisis text line.
在下方描述中,我们提供了一些资源,或许能用得到 。
Here are five signs of self-harming that might not always be obvious.
以下是自残的五种不明显迹象 。
1. They wear long sleeve shirts and pants in hot weather.
1. 在夏天穿着长袖长裤 。
Although people may wear these articles of clothing to prevent getting sunburns or mosquito bites
if someone does it consistently even when they go swimming then it might indicate they're trying to hide their wounds.
但如果对方总是这么穿,甚至在游泳的时候也不脱下来,那么这或许暗示着他们想要隐藏自己的伤口 。
People who self-harm may be ashamed of their actions and often have a hard time receiving help fearing that they will be judged.
自残的人耻于自己的行为,并经常难以接受帮助,因为他们害怕被别人评头论足 。
So they do whatever it takes to keep it a secret even if it means wearing a jacket when it's 90 degrees outside.
所以他们不惜一切想要隐藏这些伤口,即便这意味着在90度的大热天里穿着夹克外套 。
2. They scratch or rub at certain body areas.
2. 他们挠或揉身体个某一个部位 。
This indicates that there's more going on than just a small cut.
这表明他们身上不仅仅是一个小伤口 。
People who self-harm on a regular basis develop wounds that take a long time to heal because they may keep agitating it.
As scar tissue forms, the wounded area often becomes itchy.
随着伤口形成,受伤的部位经常会很痒 。
They may also be selective and choose a specific area to self-harm such as their wrists, arm or thigh
to get the same feeling of release each time they hurt themselves.
这样,在每次伤害自己的时候,他们会有同一种释放的感觉 。
3. They have unpredictable mood swings and trouble controlling their impulses.
3. 他们的心情阴晴不定,难以控制自己的冲动 。
People who experience psychological conditions such as mood disorders and trauma are more likely to self-harm
because it's hard for them to regulate their emotions.
因为他们难以调控自己的情绪 。
Signs include getting agitated often, breaking down frequently, or seeming easily offended.
迹象包括经常性焦虑、经常性崩溃或是很容易被激怒 。
It's also important to take notice if they crack jokes about self-harm because chances are they're being serious.
还有一点很重要,要注意他们是否会讲自残的玩笑,因为很有可能他们是认真的 。
4. They start to withdraw themselves from you and others.
4. 他们开始将自己从你以及他人之间抽离 。
People who self-harm often start to isolate themselves from their friends and family. But it's not just their social life they put on pause.
自残的人经常会将自己与他们的朋友和家人孤立 。但被他们按下暂停键的不只是他们的社交生活 。
If you catch them stop doing their favorite hobbies this is also a strong indicator that something is wrong.
如果你发现他们放弃了自己最爱的兴趣爱好,那么这也是一个强烈的暗示,表明事情不对了 。
5. They have frequent episodes of existential crisis.
5.存在危机经常性发作 。
When someone keeps asking themselves who they are or what the meaning of life is,
they aren't doing it to be drama queens or kings, inside, something has snapped that is preventing them from feeling stable.
他们并不是戏精上身,相反,是有什么事情阻碍了他们的稳定感 。
People who self-harm often struggle with low self-esteem issues and have a hard finding hope.
自残的人经常有着低自尊的问题且找不到希望 。
They might feel unmotivated, confused, lonely and misunderstood.
他么或许会觉得没有动力、感到疑惑、孤独和被误解 。
If you notice that their symptoms of anxiety and depression have worsened,
please don't leave their side and let them know that professional help is available.
请不要丢下他们,让他们知道可以寻求专业帮助 。
Do you think someone you know maybe self-harming? Pease share your thoughts with us below.
你身边有没有自残的人?请在下方评论分享你们的想法 。
To learn about the signs of a suicidal person, check out our video here.
了解更多自杀迹象,请观看我们的视频 。
Also be sure to subscribe to our channel for more helpful tips and share this video with others. it might just save someone from hurting themselves.
一定要订阅我们的频道了解更多有用秘诀,并和别人分享本期视频,也许就能将他们从自残中拯救出来 。
With your help, we can reach more people and raise awareness on mental health issues. Thanks for watching.
有了大家的帮助,我们可以让更多人了解心理健康问题 。感谢收看 。