Schizophrenia is a term that is well-recognized in psychology and mental health but not well understood.
精神分裂症这个术语在心理学和心理健康领域得到了广泛的认可,但却没有得到很好的理解 。
Schizophrenia has many misconceptions that include violent and aggressive split personalities and unpredictable behaviors.
But what is schizophrenia really is, what are the symptoms of schizophrenia
and what do people with schizophrenia actually experience?
This video is brought to you by GetPsyched, a youtube channel that looks at all topics in psychology and mental health.
本期视频由GetPsyched提供,这是一个关注心理学和精神健康话题的频道 。
Check out one of their most recent videos here on How to develop your self-esteem;
check out the link in the description and go subscribe to their awesome channel.
点击下方链接,订阅他们的频道 。
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual also known as the DSM
is the manual used by psychologists and psychiatrists to diagnose psychiatric illnesses.
是心理学家和精神病学家用来诊断精神疾病的手册 。
To meet the DSM criteria for schizophrenia, a person needs to experience two or more of the following for at least one month:
delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, chaotic behavior and any form of negative symptoms.
妄想、幻觉、语言混乱、混乱行为以及任何形式的阴性症状 。
Types of symptoms.
症状类型 。
There are two types of symptoms with schizophrenia: positive and negative.
精神分裂症的症状类型有两种:阳性症状和阴性症状 。
Positive symptoms refer to things that occurred due to schizophrenia
and negative symptoms refer to things that are taken away from an individual due to schizophrenia.
阴性症状指的是由于精神分裂症而被剥夺的东西 。
Positive symptoms.
阳性症状 。
Positive symptoms are when someone with schizophrenia experiences a change in behavior.
阳性症状是精神分裂症患者经历的行为上的改变 。
They may have difficulties in telling what is real and what is not real.
他们分不清什么是真什么是假 。
They may also experience exaggerated ideas, perceptions or actions.
他们还会有很夸张的想法、认知或行为 。
Negative symptoms.
阴性症状 。
Negative symptoms can include a withdraw or lack of effective functions.
阴性症状可以包括失去或缺乏有效的功能 。
These symptoms usually appear very early on before any formal diagnosis of schizophrenia.
这些症状通常会在被正式诊断为精神分裂症前显现出来 。
They appear gradually and often get worse at times.
它们会逐渐显示出来,且通常会越来越糟糕 。
These negative symptoms can be hard to identify and are evident only after a diagnosis is recognized.
这些阴性症状很难辨别,只会在被诊断后才变得明显 。
As a result, these symptoms can often lead to confusion with initial diagnosis
as it can often result in people being diagnosed with something else before schizophrenia.
因为它通常会导致人们在精神分裂症之前被诊断出其他疾病 。
妄想 。
Delusions are an example of positive symptoms and consist of false beliefs not based on reality.
妄想属于阴性症状,由不基于现实的错误信念组成 。
They might include thoughts of being harmed or being under threat.
它们可能包括受到伤害或受到威胁的想法 。
They may also include thoughts or belief systems that seem odd to other people and can easily be disproved.
也可能包括他人可能觉得奇怪的想法或信仰体系,且很容易被反驳 。
For example, someone might believe that people are trying to brainwash them through their TV or that the FBI is following them.
例如,某些人认为有人在通过电视给他们洗脑或者认为FBI在跟踪自己 。
幻觉 。
Hallucinations is another example of a positive symptom where people see, hear, feel or smell things that are not there such as hearing voices.
幻觉是另一种阴性症状,人们会看见、听见、感觉到或闻到不存在的东西,比如听到声音 。
Different forms of hallucinations include audio where voices can appear comforting supportive or harmful and saddening;
scenes where someone might see lights, objects of people that are not there;
smells where people might smell things good or bad that are not there and feel which can be a wide range of things
but ultimately means that people at times feel that something is under their skin.
但最终人们有时会感觉皮肤下边有什么东西 。
Disorganized thinking and speaking.
混乱的思绪和语言 。
This is where someone can experience impaired effective communication
where people might have difficulty in following along with their conversation
or they might have difficulty following other people's conversations.
或者他们也很难跟上别人的谈话 。
They may also have difficulty in making sense when speaking to others.
他们在与他人交谈时可能也很难清楚地表达自己 。
This disorganized thinking and speaking patterns are often a result of cognitive distortions brought about by schizophrenia.
这种混乱的思绪和语言模式通常是精神分裂症导致的认知扭曲的结果 。
Disorganize and abnormal motor behavior.
混乱和不正常的运动行为 。
This is where motor behavior can change in dramatic ways and on a variety of levels.
在此情况下,运动行为可能会发生不同水平的剧烈改变 。
Someone might present with very childlike silly behavior to unpredictable agitation
People can appear jumpy and on edge and can also have difficulties in organizing and understanding their thoughts
人们会显得紧张不安,在组织和理解自己的想法方面也会有困难 。
Now onto negative symptoms.
现在讲讲阴性症状 。
Loss of interest in things.
对事物失去兴趣 。
This negative symptom might include the loss of interest in things that a person once enjoyed
such as sex, relationships, leisure activities or social events.
如性、关系、休闲活动或社交活动 。
Lack of concentration.
缺乏注意力 。
This may include a lack of concentration at work or in social settings.
这可能包括在工作或社会环境中缺乏注意力 。
People may become reluctant to work or feel incapable of completing basic tasks due to this impairment with concentration.
人们可能变得不愿去工作,或者觉得由于注意力的缺失而不能完成基本的任务 。
Social phobia.
社交恐惧症 。
Social phobia might include someone not wanting to speak to people
being uneasy or uncomfortable in social situations or being difficult in initiating conversations.
在社交场合中不安或不适,或者难以发起对话 。
It can even result in a person not wanting to leave their house.
这甚至会导致人们不愿出门 。
Changes in sleep patterns.
睡眠模式的改变 。
This can be a combination of many changes in sleep patterns.
这可能是多种睡眠模式变化的组合 。
It could include someone sleeping more than normal, sleeping less or having extreme irregularities to their sleeping patterns
such as sleeping during the day and unable to sleep at night.
如白天睡觉,晚上睡不着 。
In summary, schizophrenia can include many different symptoms, some harder to identify than others.
总而言之,精神分裂症可以包括很多不同的症状,有一些比另一些更难分辨 。
Positive and negative symptoms include the presence and absence of symptoms, all of which make up a diagnosis of schizophrenia.
阳性和阴性症状包括症状的出现和消失,所有这些都构成了精神分裂症的诊断 。
If you feel that you or someone you know may be exhibiting some of the symptoms of schizophrenia,
then be sure to go and see your doctor to seek medical advice first.
一定要先去看医生寻求医疗建议 。
Speaking to a therapist is also highly beneficial.
和治疗师谈谈也是很有益处的 。
Don't forget to go and check out and subscribe to GetPsyched who brought us this video.
不要忘记订阅GetPsyched 。
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