You're watching BBC World News, the headlines.
The French president Emmanuel Macron has called the out-of-control wildfires in the Amazon an international crisis.
In response his Brazilian counterpart Jair Bolsonaro accused him of using the issue for political gain.
作为回应 巴西总统雅伊尔·博尔索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)指责他利用这个问题谋取政治利益
North Korea's foreign minister has criticized the US Secretary of State.
It follows an interview where Mike Pompeo said the Trump administration would maintain strict economic sanctions on North Korea unless it made efforts to denuclearize.
此前 迈克·蓬佩奥在接受采访时表示 特朗普政府将继续对朝鲜实施严格的经济制裁 除非朝鲜努力实现无核化
An attempt to repatriate some of the hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees who fled Myanmar appears to have failed.
数十万罗兴亚难民逃离了缅甸 试图遣返其中一部分人的努力似乎失败了
No one boarded the vehicles laid on to take them from their camps in Bangladesh to Myanmar.
And Google says it shut down more than 200 channels on YouTube that were part of a possible coordinated attempt to post material about the protests in Hong Kong.
谷歌称其关闭了YouTube上的200多个频道 声称这些频道可能协调一致发布有关香港抗议活动的内容
Facebook and Twitter took similar action earlier this week.
本周早些时候 Facebook和Twitter也采取了类似的行动