I've been told that there's no spot for a woman in this sport.
有人对我说,这项运动里没有女人的位置 。
I've been physically assaulted in the cage, but I didn't let any of that stop me.
在格斗的笼子里,人身攻击我也不是没有遇到过,但我不会让任何人挡住我的去路 。
Sometimes the fight is outside of the ring.
有时候,真正的比拼是在场下而不是场上 。
I'm Swayze Valentine, and I'm the first and only cutwoman in MMA.
我叫斯维兹·瓦伦丁,我是综合格斗(MMA)的首位也是唯一一位女性伤口处理师 。
What we do is we wrap the fighters hands before they fight and we take care of them between rounds.
伤口处理师的职责就是赛前帮选手包手,赛间帮他们包扎伤口 。
If there's any bleeding, we stop it; if there's any swelling, we take it away.
出血了就止血;有肿块就消肿 。
Pretty much the cutman motto is to give them that one round that they needed to win.
基本上,我们这行的座右铭就是帮助选手坚持到胜利那一刻 。
I saw my first live MMA fight, and it was just such a cool experience, and I wanted to be a part of that arena as much as I could.
我第一次到现场看综合格斗比赛的时候,感觉帅呆了,我就想,我要尽最大的努力挤到台上去 。
I talked to the promoter and asked him what jobs there were.
我就找赞助方跟他聊,问他台上还有什么活儿是我能干的 。
He told me that my option was to be a ring girl.
他对我说,我可以当一名举牌女郎 。
I had to wear the tiniest string bikini.
举牌女郎必须穿那种暴露得不能更暴露的比基尼 。
It was super uncomfortable to be wearing that in front of all these people.
在那么多人面前穿得那么暴露会让我觉得超级不舒服 。
That was not a fit for me.
所以我不适合干这个 。
I saw the fighters getting their hands wrapped,
and I immediately got butterflies in my stomach and I knew that was what I was supposed to be a part of.
我立马就开始小鹿乱撞了,我知道,那才是我应该做的工作 。
I would drive sixty miles one way to gyms, and I would voluntarily sit there and wrap fighters hands for their sparring sessions.
我决定开车60英里到体育馆,志愿到那儿给训练的选手们包扎 。
Just the sacrifice of doing it for so long without getting any income out of it was really, really hard.
在没有任何回报的情况下坚持做这么长时间是非常非常困难的 。
I was a single mother of two young boys and still trying to be a cutwoman.
我是一名单亲妈妈,有两个尚且年幼的儿子,但我还是努力要成为一名伤口处理师 。
Wrapping hands is more than just putting gauze around a hand.
给选手们包扎不止是把纱布缠到他们手上就完了这么简单 。
If you do not wrap a fighters hands correctly then their hands will break.
包扎的手法不对选手们的手是可能骨折的 。
You need to wrap hundreds and hundreds of hands to be considered great.
包扎过成千上万双手之后才能算小有成就 。
I'd wrap my kids hands; I'd wrap my parents hands; I'd wrap my friend hands; I would wrap as many hands as I could possibly find.
平时,我会给我的孩子包扎,给我父母包扎,给朋友包扎,尽可能地多练习 。
It took me years to feel like I got it down.
花了好几年的功夫才找到感觉 。
My first paying gig was WSOF, World Series of Fighting in 2010.
开始拿薪水是在2010年的世界拳击锦标赛上 。
After four years of doing it for free.
在那之前,我已经做了四年的免费伤口处理员 。
In 2014, I was added to the roster of UFC cutmen.
2014年,我的名字终于上了UFC伤口处理师的花名册 。
UFC is the Ultimate Fighting Championship.
UFC是“终极格斗锦标赛”的缩写 。
It is the most famous stage in the world.
也是全世界最著名的综合格斗比赛 。
It's like the Olympics of MMA.
差不多相当于综合格斗界的奥运会 。
And now I travel all over the world being a cutwoman for the UFC.
现在我经常要以UFC伤口处理师的身份到世界各地出差 。
Nice job!
During my journey of being a cutwoman I had a lot of ups and downs.
成为伤口处理师之前,一路走来,经历了很多的风风雨雨 。
My kids are a huge reason why I do all this.
我能坚持下来,我的孩子给了我很大的动力 。
They can see me, you know, not giving up and in the end hitting my goal,
and that's what carried me through 10 years of it, you know? It's just that desire inside of like, just keep going, keep going.
这就是我能坚持10年的原因,是内心深处的那种渴望让我勇往直前 。
I understand what the fighter has to go through to get into the cage.
我知道那些选手要克服怎样的困难才能进到那个笼子里比赛 。
We both had to fight to get our spot in the ring.
我们都要拼了命地努力,才能争取到在拳击场上的一席之地 。