Once upon a time, a war was about to happen.
很久以前,一场战争一触即发 。
The battle lines were drawn, the soldiers were in place, ready to fight.
前线已经画好,士兵们也已经就位,做好了战斗准备 。
But a higher power made them stop, something unexpected and delicious, a warm milk soup.
然而,一种更高级别的力量让双方停了下来,这种力量来得出人意料,又美味可口,它就是暖暖的奶汤 。
Our story starts here, in the Swiss countryside in Kappel am Albis,
我们的故事还要从这里,也就是瑞士郊外的阿尔比斯卡佩尔镇说起 。
where our special peacekeeper dish was created almost five centuries ago.
因为我们与众不同的和平卫士——奶汤就是近500年前诞生于此地的 。
Legend has it, actually let's get Georg on the phone.
传说,算了,我们还是打电话给格奥格让他说吧 。
He's a historian from the University of Basel and he knows this milk soup so well, he's even written articles about it.
他是巴塞尔大学的历史学家,对这种牛奶汤可谓是了如指掌,还专门写过文章讲这个汤 。
After a while, the soldiers got tired and hungry so they put what food they had together.
过了一阵子,士兵们个个都已经又累又饿,于是,他们将自己的食物都拿出来放到一块儿 。
The Catholics brought the milk, and the Protestants the bread.
天主教一方的士兵拿出了牛奶,新教徒一方拿出了面包 。
And together they made the legendary milk soup.
搅拌搅拌就做出了这道传奇的牛奶汤 。
This halted the battle and a truce was formed.
战争就此搁浅,最终,双方达成了休战协议 。
The soup became so iconic, it has a memorial in the battlefield, and nearly 500 years later, the soup is still playing peacemaker.
这道汤也变成了一个符号,人们甚至在战场上为它立了纪念碑,近500年后,这道汤依然扮演着和平卫士的角色 。
And this is Robert, whose restaurant has been serving the stuff for many years.
这位是罗伯特,多年来,他的餐厅一直保留着这道菜 。
He makes the soup the modern way, with milk and bread of course,
but also with butter, onions, leek, cream, vegetable stock, and some salt and pepper.
除了这两种用料,他还用到了黄油、洋葱、韭菜、奶油、蔬菜汤、盐和胡椒 。
So next time you're upset about something with your neighbor, do as the Swiss do.
You bring the bread, have them bring the milk, and have a bowl of soup together.
你拿面包,让他们拿牛奶,你们一起做碗牛奶汤 。