Voice 3: They had come to protest. They wanted more action to end the conflict in Darfur. I talked to some people who came to London to demonstrate. One young girl said:
声音3:他们来伦敦进行抗议 。他们希望采取更多行动来终结达尔富尔的冲突 。我和一些来到伦敦参加示威的人进行了谈论 。一名年轻女孩说:
Voice 4: "If we protest enough then people will know what is happening. And if everyone knows, then they might stop it."
声音4:“如果我们抗议的力度足够,那人们就会知道现在正在发生什么事 。如果所有人都了解了情况,那他们也许会加以阻止 。”
Voice 3: One young man from Darfur had come to the United Kingdom to escape the conflict. He spoke about his homeland:
声音3:一名来自达尔富尔的年轻男子为逃离冲突而来到英国 。他谈到了他的祖国:
Voice 5: "The country is broken; everyone is dying. There is no justice. They kill children and they kill women and they do anything they want because they are all criminals. People say that there is hope for Darfur. But up until now there has been no hope. There is no justice."
声音5:“苏丹已经支离破碎;所有人都面临死亡 。那里没有公正 。他们杀害儿童和妇女,他们为所欲为,因为他们全都是罪犯 。人们说达尔富尔还有希望 。但是直到现在,没有任何希望曙光出现 。根本没有公正 。”