Science and music have been a passion of mine since I was very young, and so they just came together very naturally.
从很小的时候开始,我就对科学和音乐产生了浓厚的兴趣,所以将它们结合起来也是顺其自然的事 。
And when I saw an avenue where I could solidly take music and science and merge them together in a super odd way you know it's hard to resist.
看到可以把音乐和科学以一种非常奇怪的方式融合在一起的希望的时候,你知道的,我是很难抗拒的 。
Arc Attack is a performance art group that specializes in homemade instruments, and we use science to make music.
“电弧攻击”是一个专门表演自制乐器的表演艺术团,我们用科学搞音乐 。
Our main crew consists of three people, we just picked up a fourth person actually that's been going on more and more shows with us.
我们的核心团队有三个人,我们刚找到了第四个人,因为表演的机会越来越多了 。
We made our first musical tesla coils in 2005.
2005年的时候,我们做出了我们的首个音乐磁暴线圈 。
A tesla coil is a high voltage transformer that takes a voltage and it converts it to another voltage.
磁暴线圈是一种把一个电压转换成另一个电压的高压变压器 。
And the voltage gets so high that it creates an artificial lightning bolt.
因为那个电压特别特别高,就成了人造闪电 。
And so the singing tesla coil you hear it playing music, but the music is actually coming from the spark.
所以,你以为是磁暴线圈在唱歌,但那些音乐实际上是电火花发出的声音 。
So the lightning bolt is actually shaking the air and creating sound pressure waves;
and we can change the frequency of the spark to create different musical pitches.
我们可以通过改变火花的频率来创造不同的音高 。
What we've developed here is something that is it's own unique instrument.
我们打造出来的这个东西可以称得上是一种非常独特的乐器 。
The Faraday Suit is a metal Suit; you wear it.
It's made out of chainmail which are just chain links that are all put together.
因为它是用锁子甲,就是相互扣在一起的环锁制成的 。
They're more conductive than your body.
这种衣服比你身体的导电性更强 。
So when you wear the suit and you get zapped by lightning the suit protects you from the lightning.
所以当你穿上这身衣服被闪电击中的时候,这身衣服会保护你免受闪电的伤害 。
We use the suit as a special effect in our show, we use it to play our lightning guitar.
表演的时候我们会用这个衣服来做特效,用它来表演闪电吉他 。
It allows us to actually play the guitar while getting struck by lightning and people are in to that you know because it looks dangerous.
它能让我们在被闪电击中的时候还能弹吉他,大家都很买账,因为看起来很危险的样子 。
It is dangerous if you don't have the skills.
不过没有这些技术的话确实会很危险 。
Three, two, one!
We like to go out there and show people that you can actually have fun with science.
我们喜欢到外面向人们展示你可以从科学中获得乐趣 。
Right, it doesn't have to be just some super boring thing that you see in a classroom.
对吧,科学不一定非得是大家在教室里看到的那些超级无聊的东西 。
When we do our public shows we'll do some cool science demos, but we have fun and we play music,
you know, and then we get some audience participants to come up and get zapped by lightning.
我们还会邀请一些观众上台,让他们体验被闪电击中的感觉 。
Without the educational aspects, what we do would be incredibly pointless.
不考虑教育这一面的话,我们所做的一切都将毫无意义 。
It gives us a chance to take our technical skills and put some of that knowledge out there and actually have some of that benefit to all of it.
这件事情也给我们提供了一个运用我们的技术,将知识运用到实践中并从中收获一些东西的机会 。
Kids are attracted to things that just can't easily be explained; and you know, lets face it, like, electricity is basically magic.
孩子们很喜欢那些不那么容易解释清楚的事情,那我们就接受这一现实呗 。比如,电大体上也可以说是一种魔法嘛 。
The possibilities of what you can do with electricity are nearly endless.
而电的用途,电的潜能几乎是无穷无尽的 。