Hello, this is BBC World News the headlines.
大家好 这里是BBC世界新闻头条
European Union leaders have rejected Boris Johnson's demands to remove the Irish backstop from the Brexit withdrawal agreement.
The Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker stressed the deal couldn't be changed.
欧盟委员会主席让-克洛德·容克强调 该协议不能变更
President Macron of France has invited Boris Johnson to visit Paris to discuss Brexit.
法国总统马克龙邀请鲍里斯·约翰逊访问巴黎 讨论英国脱欧问题
Up to 150 migrants are feared to have drowned in a shipwreck of Libya.
Around the same number of migrants were rescued and have been returned to Libya.
North Korean media says Thursday's missile tests were designed to be a solemn warning to the south.
朝鲜媒体表示 朝鲜周四试射导弹是为了向韩国发出严肃警告
The reports say the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un watched the launch of the new tactical guided weapon system.
报道称 朝鲜领导人金正恩观看了这一新战术制导武器系统的发射