Hi, I'm Jonathan Bird and welcome to my world!
Divers love warm, clear water.
潜水者喜欢温暖、清澈的水域 。
And one of the most well-known locations for relaxed tropical scuba diving is the island of Bonaire.
热带潜水最著名的地方之一是博内尔岛 。
Bonaire is located in the southern Caribbean, not far from the coast of Venezuela.
博内尔岛位于加勒比海南端,离委内瑞拉海岸不远 。
It's a beautiful, sunny island, which enjoys sea breezes powerful enough to generate electricity, and has a long history of making salt from the ocean.
这是一个阳光明媚的美丽岛屿,享受着强到足以发电的海风,这里还有着海水制盐的悠久历史 。
The last time I visited Bonaire, I was on a mission to film spawning coral.
上次我去博内尔岛时,任务是拍摄珊瑚产卵 。
But this time I'll be doing some diving without a scuba tank.
但这次我要去潜水,不带氧气瓶 。
Diving without scuba gear is called freediving, and frankly I'm not that good at it.
不带装备潜水叫自由潜水,坦白地说,我不擅长这个 。
I've been invited to a freediving class at Buddy Dive Resort.
我被邀请到巴迪潜水胜地参加自由潜水课程 。
It's being taught by Karol Meyer, a world-champion freediver from Brazil.
来自巴西的世界自由潜水者冠军卡罗尔·迈耶教授这门课程 。
She can hold her breath for over 18 minutes!
I head down to the pool where Karol is practicing static apnea—which means holding your breath while you lie very still.
我去到游泳池,卡罗尔在那练习静态屏气,你要做的是静静地躺着,屏住呼吸 。
We can start the class as soon as she comes back up from this breath.
她这口气憋完,我们就能开始上课了 。
I'll be back!
Wow, that took longer than I was expecting!
Now we can head on over to the classroom.
现在我们可以去教室了 。
Karol discusses techniques for breathing, rescue techniques and of course, safety.
卡罗尔讨论了呼吸术、救援术,当然还有安全性的问题 。
Next, Karol gives me some tips on breathing with my belly in order to get more air into my lungs.
接下来,卡罗尔给我提出一些有关腹部呼吸的建议,以便让更多空气进入肺部 。
All my life I have been breathing, and I thought I was doing it well.
我一辈子都在呼吸,感觉自己做得很好 。
But it turns out I'm doing it all wrong for freediving!
Since freedivers have been known to black out if they try to hold their breath a little too long,
自由潜水员都知道,如果他们屏吸过久,就会昏厥 。
the class practices rescue techniques—how to hold someone with their head above the water and open the airway to make sure they breathe.
这门课程练习了营救技术,如何使某人的头部保持在水面以上,并打开气道确保他们能够呼吸 。
First Karol demonstrates, then the students try.
卡罗尔先示范,然后学生们再尝试 。
You are definitely going to drown, I'm sorry.
对不起,你肯定会淹死的 。
After a few attempts I get the hang of it…mostly.
试了几次后,我掌握了窍门......大部分吧 。
I'm kind of hoping I don't have to rescue anyone!
Finally we practice static apnea.
我们最后练习静态屏气 。
We relax, take big breaths and float quietly face down in the pool.
我们放松、深呼吸,脸朝下、静静地漂在泳池里 。
Nobody in our group is going to set a record, but we are trying to see how long we can comfortably hold our breaths.
小组中没人会创记录,但我们在看能舒服地屏吸多长时间 。
I'm not wearing a mask because water on the face triggers what is called the mammalian diving response—a lowering of heart rate and conservation of oxygen.
我没有戴面罩,因为脸上的水会引发哺乳动物的潜水反应,即心率降低,以及保存氧气 。
The water on my face literally helps me hold me breath longer.
我脸上的水真能帮助我屏吸到更长的时间 。
After a few attempts, I manage to go just shy of three full minutes without a breath!
I have never held my breath that long.
我从来没有屏吸这么久过 。
That's all fine and good, but static apnea is a lot different from swimming in the ocean.
一切都很好,但静态屏气和在大海里游泳区别很大 。
Karol takes the class out onto the reef to practice freediving.
卡罗尔带着全班学生到暗礁水域练习自由潜水 。
We gather around a float with a line going down into the blue.
我们聚集在一个漂浮物周围,它上面有一根绳沉入海中 。
One at a time, Karol takes each of us down.
卡罗尔每次带一个人下沉 。
We go only to a predetermined depth so nobody gets in trouble, or has a problem getting back to the surface.
我们只到达预定的深度,所以没人会遇到麻烦,或是没法回到海面 。